Kwon Da-hyun, Mithra Jin and Gakbang, 28-month-old child 'single parenting'
Kwon Da-hyun, Mithra Jin and Gakbang, 28-month-old child 'single parenting'
Actress Kwon Da-hyun expressed her disappointment with her husband, Epik High's Mithra Jin.

In the SBS entertainment show 'Same Bed, Different Dreams 2 - You Are My Destiny', which aired on the 13th, Mithra Jin and Kwon Da-hyun joined as the new destiny couple.

Kwon Da-hyeon and Mithra Jin, who got married in 2015 and had a son, Eden, in June 2021, have already been married for 9 years. On this day, the two people attracted attention as they slept in separate rooms. Mithrajin used his son's room, and as soon as he woke up, he was seen having some alone time in the bathroom.

Mithrajin explained about the bathroom, "It's the only space where no one can come in if you lock the door. I see the contacts that came in while I was sleeping. It feels like my own personal grooming for the day." At the same time, he added, "We also discuss with the (Epik High) members. Since there are three of us, it is a majority vote even within this. If one person does not answer, the majority vote cannot be reached." However, his wife, Kwon Da-hyun, was disappointed and said, "Even though I know, it's disgusting. I have to watch the child alone while I'm in the bathroom."

Mithra Jin helped his son go to school, but all other household chores were Kwon Da-hyeon's responsibility. Mithra Jin, who returned after finishing his son's school visit, fell asleep again, and Da-Hyeon Kwon prepared breakfast. Even while eating, Mithra Jin focused on his work by using his cell phone, and even talked back to Kwon Da-hyun's criticism, which aroused his wife's nerves. He also refused skinship from his wife who reached out to him.
Kwon Da-hyun, Mithra Jin and Gakbang, 28-month-old child 'single parenting'
Kwon Da-hyun, Mithra Jin and Gakbang, 28-month-old child 'single parenting'
Mithrajin explained in an interview, "Fighting itself is mentally draining. I think it's important not to face the problem if you can just smile and move on." Kwon Da-hyun showed a different set of values, saying, "We need to resolve it quickly through dialogue. I think it's right for both parties."

Dahyun Kwon continued, “I feel like I have become a ghost. “It’s like talking to a wall,” he said. “Oppa, life is all about timing. “You’re going to miss me,” he said.

Dahyun Kwon later met her best friend Seo Hyo-rim. Seo Hyo-rim said, "My older brother (Mithra Jin) is away in Korea for half the year. You don't even have an aunt, so it's amazing that you're taking care of the child by yourself." In response, Dahyun Kwon confessed, "I thought parenting was easy, but when I actually tried it, it was hard. It's not that Eden made it difficult. The feeling of not being able to work or do anything was difficult. I thought, 'I'm going to die if I keep doing this.'"

He continued, “When people ask me if I’m an actor, I say I’m raising a child, and I hate myself for saying I’m nothing. When I look at myself in the mirror, I feel like I'm getting older. “I think the hardest thing is when I feel like I’m the only one getting older as time goes by,” he added, expressing his regret.

It is said that Mithra Jin once returned home at 4 in the morning. In response, Seo Hyo-rim said, “If I were you, I would have put it out of the suitcase.”

Taeyuna, Ten Asia Reporter translated by google