tvN's highly anticipated drama 'Ask the Stars', which reportedly had a production budget of 50 billion KRW, is finally set to premiere after a two-year delay. The drama, set against a space backdrop, has sparked both excitement and skepticism due to the mixed success of previous space-th...
In the era of 'content overflow,' viewers are often left wondering what to watch. Taeyuna, a reporter from TenAsia, steps in as a 'variety guide,' dissecting the hottest issues, key points, main characters, and behind-the-scenes stories to enhance the viewing experience.tvN's lat...
Kang Ho-dong, once cherished as a 'National MC' in South Korea, seems to be fading from the broadcasting scene. This year, he has only one new variety show, and the only remaining program he is part of, 'Knowing Bros,' struggles with ratings hovering around 1%. Unlike his former riva...
In the Era of Content Overload: A Guide to Must-Watch Shows by Taeyuna, TenAsiaTV Chosun is making waves with its abrupt programming changes, seemingly leveraging singer Lim Young-woong to counter competing shows. The sudden preemption and rescheduling of 'Now Alone' raises eyebrows, as it a...
The '2024 SBS Drama Awards' is just two weeks away, and as the first of the major broadcasting networks to hold its ceremony this year, all eyes are on who will take home the grand prize. With a slew of hit dramas in the latter half of the year, the competition is fierce, but the risk of dim...
The much-discussed on-screen romance has seemingly come to an end after nine months. Kim Seung-soo has drawn a line in his relationship with Yang Jung-a, which was characterized by playful interactions but never progressed to a real-life romance. The two, who were often seen as a potential couple, h...
Actress Im Ji-yeon shared her thoughts on her on-screen romance with Choo Young-woo.On the 28th, a press conference for JTBC's new weekend drama 'Lady Ok's Tale' was held at the Ramada Hotel in Sindorim, Guro-gu, Seoul. The event was attended by actors Im Ji-yeon, Choo Young-woo, Kim...
The friendship chemistry between actresses Kim Go-eun and Lee Ji-ah, despite their 13-year age difference, couldn't save their latest reality show from low ratings. Following 'The Sea I Desire,' their new show 'Just the Two of Us' also struggles with a meager 1% viewership, drawi...