‘I’m Solo’ 16th season, it’s not surprising anymore
‘I’m Solo’ 16th season, it’s not surprising anymore
The eventful 16th season of ‘I’m Solo’ has completed its three-month long journey. Two couples made the final selection, but not a single real-life couple emerged. Perhaps this was an expected result. The 16th season had endless controversies, from rumors of discord to rumors of bullying, abuse of power, and fake news. Even after the broadcast has ended, issues continue to arise as expected.

In the ENA, SBS Plus entertainment show 'I'm SOLO' broadcast on the 5th, Hyunsook (pseudonym) and Yeongsik (pseudonym), and Jeongsook (pseudonym) and Yeongcheol (pseudonym) became the final couples. Sang-cheol (pseudonym) chose Young-sook, but Young-sook gave up her choice due to practical problems.

Immediately after the broadcast, the 16th cast of 'I'm Solo' appeared on a live broadcast conducted by the channel 'Village Entertainment TV'. At the opening on this day, the 16th cast, excluding Youngsook (pseudonym), Oksoon (pseudonym), and Yeongho (pseudonym), were sitting.
‘I’m Solo’ 16th season, it’s not surprising anymore
‘I’m Solo’ 16th season, it’s not surprising anymore
It's been 5 months since filming ended last May. When asked about their current situation, both final couples revealed that they had broken up. Youngcheol and Jeongsook became a real-life couple after the broadcast, but said they had a beautiful breakup three weeks ago. Yeong-sik dismissed the marriage rumors, saying that after meeting Jeong-suk for about three months, they realized that they had different opinions and became friends who support each other's lives.

In particular, Youngsu spoke directly about the missing broadcast content. Youngsu explained, “Some personal problems arose during filming, so we reduced the amount of the film to a portion in consultation with the production team.” However, it did not say what ‘personal security’ means.

Previously, Young-soo showed the love triangle between Ok-sun, Young-ja, and Gwang-soo. Afterwards, he was embroiled in controversy over abuse of power by clapping his hands twice at Youngja, who was actively approaching him, and telling him, “Don’t be impatient.” Afterwards, he posted on his channel, “I was so upset. He apologized, saying, “I am sorry and reflecting on my actions.” Since then, Youngsoo has noticeably lost volume. Even in the final selection, it broke everyone's expectations that it would go to Ok-soon and created a sense of wonder as no one chose it.
‘I’m Solo’ 16th season, it’s not surprising anymore
‘I’m Solo’ 16th season, it’s not surprising anymore
Youngsook's surprise appearance continued during the live broadcast. Earlier, along with the news that she would not be able to appear on the live broadcast, Youngsook posted on her personal account, "Turn on Labang (live broadcast) tonight. I'll give you something big. Don't be surprised, prepare your mind and turn on Labang. What's the last big thing?" He declared, “I need to blow it up,” raising suspicions of discord once again.

Youngsook and Oksoon mentioned their discord through their respective accounts during the broadcast. Youngsook revealed that Oksun had blocked her, and Oksun refuted by revealing messages with Youngsook.

In the end, the 'big thing' Youngsook said was the news of her appearance in Labang. It was so-called ‘fishing’. Youngsook, who later appeared on Labang, said, "I had a close relationship with Oksoon, but the message I sent was also uploaded and I don't know why it happened. I was looking forward to it, but Oksun didn't come."

The 16th season of 'I'm Solo', which could not escape the gossip even after the broadcast ended. The viewership rating exceeded the highest viewership rating of 7.9%, and the live broadcast attracted 250,000 simultaneous users, making it a great success in driving an all-time buzz.

Taeyuna, Ten Asia Reporter youyou@tenasia.co.kr
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