Family Drama Unfolds: Son Demands Luxury Car from Grandmother
Family Drama Unfolds: Son Demands Luxury Car from Grandmother
A shocking revelation has come to light as a son from the 'Chain Family' demanded a luxury car from his grandmother.

On the January 3rd episode of 'Oh Eun-young Report - Marriage Hell,' the second part of the 'Family Hell' New Year special aired, revealing the tangled web of pain within the three-generation 'Chain Family.'

The son confessed, "Home is hell itself. My father is scarier than a criminal chasing me with a knife," expressing his fear of his father. However, the father criticized his son for living "without conscience."

The son's contrasting behavior was then revealed. In everyday footage, he was seen glaring and shouting at his grandmother, a stark contrast to his demeanor around his father.

He demanded a car from his grandmother, arguing, "What will I drive when I start working?" Despite having undergone heart surgery and hospital stays, he previously demanded a luxury car worth 150 million won from his grandmother, conditional on his health management. Feeling sorry for her grandson, the grandmother had provided financial support, including credit cards and cars. Yet, the son demanded another car. The father opposed this, citing past incidents where the son left the scene of minor accidents.
Family Drama Unfolds: Son Demands Luxury Car from Grandmother
Family Drama Unfolds: Son Demands Luxury Car from Grandmother
Currently, the son spends 2 to 3 million won monthly using his grandmother's credit card. He has also demanded new laptops, tablets, and phones, replacing his phone over twenty times.

The grandmother worried about her grandson's ability to work due to his ongoing health recovery, but he retorted, "If you're going to think like grandma, give me enough money to live without working forever." When she suggested he take over his father's gas delivery business, he threatened, "I'd rather blow up all the gas tanks. You taught me the gas business, which makes me more dangerous. I know how to light a fire."
Family Drama Unfolds: Son Demands Luxury Car from Grandmother
Family Drama Unfolds: Son Demands Luxury Car from Grandmother
The son explained his aversion to gas delivery, recalling past pain and being dismissed as faking illness. "I learned gas delivery after college. After a week, I suddenly fell ill. I told my father I couldn't deliver, but he told me to stop whining and go," he shared. "That's when I was diagnosed with heart failure. While hospitalized, I was in so much pain that they tied me down to prevent me from pulling out the tubes. The pain was immense every time I woke up."

Following Dr. Oh Eun-young's intervention, the father apologized to his son, saying, "I'm sorry for not understanding your feelings and always speaking harshly. Let's work on improving. I'll change." The father and son then comforted each other in a private setting, acknowledging their struggles and agreeing to communicate better, sealing it with a handshake.

Younha Kim, TenAsia Reporter