SHINee produces 16th anniversary friendship ring
SHINee produces 16th anniversary friendship ring
The group SHINee reveals the story behind how they got their 16th anniversary friendship rings.

MBC's entertainment show 'What Do You Do When You Play?', which airs today (25th), depicts an encounter with SHINee, a shining guest who joined the 'What Do You Play Festival'. The appearance of SHINee gathered in one place after Onew's return from a break is expected, raising expectations.

SHINee, who has been together for a long time from their teens to their 30s, boasts a special and affectionate friendship, attracting attention. They decided to produce a 16th anniversary friendship ring, even for the late Jonghyun. Taemin envies, “Other teams guessed the friendship items,” and revealed his true feelings, “We were embarrassed by that, but in fact, deep down, we thought it would be good if we guessed the friendship items.”

At this time, someone claimed to have intercepted Taemin's idea, saying, "I came up with the idea for the friendship ring first," and "Jonghyun hyung also suggested doing 5, but Taemin immediately turned on social media live and told his fans." As a result, SHINee members bicker over who was the originator of the friendship ring idea, making people curious about the whole story.

Another member said, “It’s good to align, but no one is pushing it forward. “I have to do it,” he complains, making people laugh. It is said that there was a member who wanted to pay for the friendship ring alone and another who wanted to pay for it individually. Attention is focused on the behind-the-scenes details of the production of the 16th anniversary friendship ring, in which each person clearly has roles to play.

SHINee members' 'strong chemistry' can be seen on 'What do you do when you hang out?', which airs at 6:30 pm on this day.

Taeyuna, Ten Asia Reporter