Seo Jang-hoon, shocked after hearing the number of marital relationships
Seo Jang-hoon, shocked after hearing the number of marital relationships
The story of the third couple in Season 2 is revealed.

In JTBC's 'Divorce Consideration Camp - Refresh' (hereinafter referred to as 'Refresh'), which airs at 10:10 pm on the 9th, the story of a third couple who is on the verge of divorce due to unreasonable demands on their marital relationship will be revealed. The husband revealed that the problem started when his wife, tired of raising children after giving birth, refused to have marital relations. In the released video, the husband constantly tries to flirt with his wife at home, and when this continues in front of their children, the MCs show concern for his wife. In addition, a surprising incident that made the wife feel even more resistant to the marital relationship was revealed, shocking the MCs once more.

In particular, this couple's story was said to have divided opinions to an unprecedented degree, not only among the MCs but also among the couples who entered the divorce camp together. Seeing her husband constantly trying to flirt with his wife, Park Ha-sun responded, "I don't like it when he does that all day," while Seo Dong-ju focused on her husband's longing for affection and said, "I'm sad about my husband." It is said that other couples also focused on this couple's story, with some sympathizing more with the husband's feelings and others with the wife's feelings.

Seo Jang-hoon, who was conducting in-depth household research on couples, also clicked his tongue when he heard how many times the husband wanted to have sex, but when he saw him checking his wife's condition every day, he laughed and said, "It's like a sports coach." However, Seo Jang-hoon is said to have sympathized with the inner feelings of the husband and wife by accurately capturing the situation in which doubts and misunderstandings were rising due to dissatisfaction with the spouse.

Subsequently, at the Divorce Contemplation Camp, physical reactions are measured to determine whether a person is lying, and a psychophysiological test is also conducted to look into the inner feelings of the couple that were not yet expressed in words. In particular, the husband, who shows his extraordinary love for foreign cars, is asked the question, "Would you choose between your car and your wife?", making even the viewers nervous. It raises questions about whether the wife will be able to beat her husband's 'favorite car'.

The third couple's story and the results of the psychophysiological test, which drew a variety of responses, can be found on JTBC's 'Divorce Consideration Camp - Refresh' at 10:10 pm today (9th).

Ryu Ye-ji, Ten Asia Reporter translated by google