Model Lee Hyun-yi Struggles to Follow Shohei Ohtani's Life Plan
Model Lee Hyun-yi Struggles to Follow Shohei Ohtani's Life Plan
Model Lee Hyun-yi faced challenges while trying to emulate the life of baseball player Shohei Ohtani. Her husband, Hong Sung-ki, advised her on the stress that comes from plans not going as expected.

On the 22nd, the YouTube channel 'Working Mom Lee Hyun-yi' posted a video titled 'How to Live a Miraculous Life in 2025 (Hong Papa, Mandal-Art)'.

Lee Hyun-yi confessed that she had never set a New Year's plan before. She admitted, "I've never made a plan in my life, so it's overwhelming," and invited a guest known for being organized. YouTuber Hong Papa (Hong Sung-ki) appeared, who is Lee Hyun-yi's husband and works as a semiconductor development engineer at a major company. The couple married in 2012 and have two sons. Hong Sung-ki also runs the YouTube channel 'Hong Papa TV'.
Model Lee Hyun-yi Struggles to Follow Shohei Ohtani's Life Plan
Model Lee Hyun-yi Struggles to Follow Shohei Ohtani's Life Plan
Hong Sung-ki teased Lee Hyun-yi, saying, "It seems like even inviting a guest wasn't planned." He asked why she suddenly wanted to make plans. Lee Hyun-yi mentioned her disorganized life, referring to her messy drawer.
Model Lee Hyun-yi Struggles to Follow Shohei Ohtani's Life Plan
Model Lee Hyun-yi Struggles to Follow Shohei Ohtani's Life Plan
Model Lee Hyun-yi Struggles to Follow Shohei Ohtani's Life Plan
Model Lee Hyun-yi Struggles to Follow Shohei Ohtani's Life Plan
Hong Sung-ki expressed concern that sudden planning might bring chaos to Lee Hyun-yi's life. He stated, "Plans often don't go as planned, which can be quite stressful," and advised her to know how to overcome such stress.

Lee Hyun-yi decided to try the 'Mandal-Art' planning method, made famous by Shohei Ohtani. This method involves setting one core goal, eight detailed goals, and listing 81 tasks to achieve them.
Model Lee Hyun-yi Struggles to Follow Shohei Ohtani's Life Plan
Model Lee Hyun-yi Struggles to Follow Shohei Ohtani's Life Plan
While filling out the plan, Lee Hyun-yi's lack of planning became evident. When her husband suggested setting a plan for the year, she jokingly asked if she could plan until her death. After much thought, she decided to make her YouTube channel 'Working Mom Lee Hyun-yi' her core goal for the year.

Completing the rest of the plan wasn't easy. Hong Sung-ki asked if she had premeditated her goals, to which Lee Hyun-yi honestly replied, "I'm doing this for the first time now." Hong Sung-ki sighed, wondering if they could finish it today.

With her husband's help, Lee Hyun-yi completed the Mandal-Art by writing detailed plans for health, family, career, content, finances, and recognition. She showed the completed Mandal-Art and asked for support, saying, "Please watch as I achieve each goal."

Younha Kim, TenAsia Reporter