Hyori Lee shed tears as she recalled her poor childhood.
Hyori Lee shed tears as she recalled her poor childhood.
Hyori Lee shed tears as she recalled her poor childhood.
Hyori Lee shed tears as she recalled her poor childhood.
Hyori Lee shed tears as she recalled her poor childhood.
Hyori Lee shed tears as she recalled her poor childhood.
Hyori Lee shed tears as she recalled her poor childhood.
Hyori Lee shed tears as she recalled her poor childhood.
Hyori Lee shed tears as she recalled her poor childhood.
Hyori Lee shed tears as she recalled her poor childhood.
Hyori Lee shed tears as she recalled her poor childhood.
Hyori Lee shed tears as she recalled her poor childhood.
Hyori Lee shed tears as she recalled her poor childhood.
Hyori Lee shed tears as she recalled her poor childhood.
Hyori Lee shed tears as she recalled her poor childhood.
Hyori Lee shed tears as she recalled her poor childhood.
Hyori Lee shed tears as she recalled her poor childhood.

In JTBC's 'Mom, do you want to go on a trip alone?' (hereinafter referred to as 'Want to go on a trip') aired on the 9th, Lee Hyori and her mother's travel story to Gyeongju continued.

The two headed to Bulguksa Temple. Hyo-ri Lee, who was offered tea by a monk, wanted to sit down with her mother, but her Christian mother refused, saying, "I don't feel like it."

Hyori Lee met with a monk and confessed her concerns. He said, “I feel uncomfortable being alone with my mother,” and “We have never been together since we grew up, and our thoughts are different. I thought we were different people, but as I got closer, I realized that there were parts of me that were the same. The parts that I disliked seemed to be the same to my mother.”

Hyori Lee also confessed, "I haven't had a smooth life, so I haven't been able to spend much time with my parents. I think I'll regret it when they die. I also think that my life isn't necessarily a good one." In response, the monk advised, "No matter what kind of life you live, the standard for happiness is different. It lies in the heart."

Hyori Lee took her mother to the massage shop and met her again at the dorm three hours later. Hyori Lee became curious about her mother not asking her what she did in her free time. Hyori Lee asked, “I did yoga. Why didn’t you ask? Aren’t you curious?” To this, the mother responded, "I'm afraid that if I ask again, they won't like it again. If I don't answer sincerely, it's just as bad as not asking."

Lee Hyo-ri said of her mother's answer, "I was shocked as if I had been hit with a hammer. That's why I couldn't even imagine that you didn't ask. There were a lot of things I misunderstood because I didn't ask." The mother, who kept her distance while holding back her curiosity to see if her daughter would be uncomfortable, said, "I only watched it on TV like I was someone else's daughter. I watched it with my own anxious heart."

Hyori Lee asked her mother to make squid soup. In times of difficult times, one squid was boiled into soup to feed a family of six. Hyori Lee said she doesn't think she's eaten since high school.

Hyori Lee said, "It's been a while since I wanted to eat it. I want to learn my mom's cooking for the future," as she watched her mother cooking. He continued, “When I saw her busy walking around, I thought my mother must have been like that in the past, which was both cute and sad.”

Lee Hyo-ri, who tasted squid soup for the first time in about 30 years, was overcome with tears. Hyori Lee couldn't hold back her tears even while eating. My mother comforted me by asking, “Why are you crying?” Hyori Lee said, "When I tasted it, it reminded me of the old days. It's not a bad idea, it's a good idea. It's a memory." Regarding the reason for shedding tears, Hyori Lee confessed, "It is difficult to explain the reason. The moment I ate it, I had a feeling of blessing that is difficult to explain in words."

Lee Hyo-ri's mother said, "I lived without her in the past and made everything she lacked. She always feels sorry for her children." Lee Hyori said, "My mom knows right away when I cry. My older brother Sang-sun doesn't even notice when I cry. That's why I feel comfortable. I'm not sad. I wish he didn't know. In that respect, it's good because I'm not sensitive. I just treat it like it's never happened to me." . Hyori Lee's mother said, "When you want to cry, cry. After crying, you feel relieved."

Lee Hyo-ri said, "I'm going to pack this up in Jeju Island and say, 'Lee Sang-soon, you know the tear-soaked squid soup. Try it once.' They don't know my family's story. Only my family knows my family's story." Hyori Lee said, "At that time, I couldn't even fit squid in my bowl. One or two?" and Hyori Lee's mother said, "I'll give it to my dad, and I'll give it to my brothers and sisters."

Hyori Lee said, “It’s not a painful memory for me. No matter how expensive the food, which is delicious and delicious, was brought.” Lee Hyo-ri's mother recalled, "I went to pick up the charred briquettes that other people had thrown away, right? I wanted to save money on buying briquettes, too." Hyori Lee's mother confessed, "This is the first time since Hyori Lee debuted. That's why I cried. I ate it while crying, so my heart ached. It was heartbreaking."

Kim Ji-won, Ten Asia reporter bella@tenasia.co.kr translated by google