Choi Min-hwan meets again with divorced Yul-hee.
Choi Min-hwan meets again with divorced Yul-hee.
Singer Choi Min-hwan and 'three siblings' Jaeyul, Ayun, and Arin meet their mother Yulhee.

The 523rd episode of 'Shoodol', which will be aired today (28th), will be featured as the 'Spring, Spring, Spring, Spring Has Come' episode. Among them, Choi Min-hwan and the three siblings reveal the noisy weekend in which they became each other's chewing gum. In particular, in the spring, the family of four enjoys a picnic at the Han River together and spends a lot of time laughing.

On this day, Minhwan Choi is busy playing multiplayer, watching over his three siblings with his eyes and preparing kimbap with his hands. Choi Min-hwan makes people laugh by praising himself as if he is proud of himself for being able to cook kimbap for the first time, saying, “Jaeyul, I think your dad is really good at cooking.” In particular, Choi Min-hwan, who prepared a three-layer lunch box with kimbap, octopus sausage, and apples, saying, “Every father dreams of having a picnic at the Han River,” expressed his excitement about the picnic with his three siblings.

Afterwards, when Choi Min-hwan brought out a colorful chair that suited the tastes of the three siblings, Arin, who usually liked yellow, chose a different color than usual, saying, “I like blue.” Jaeyul responded, “I’ll give up the blue one. “I like yellow now,” he said, showing off his cool older brother side by giving up his chair to his younger sibling.

In addition, Minhwan Choi struggles to pedal alone after riding his three siblings on a four-person bicycle. In response, Jaeyul said, “Oppa, I’ll say, ‘Cheer up, Dad.’ Ayun and Arin exuded the force of cheerleaders by saying, “Run, dad!” and the twin sisters Ayun and Arin said, “Run, dad!” and showed cute cheering, making their father Minhwan Choi smile brightly.

Meanwhile, regarding the birthday present that his son Jae-yul secretly requested, Choi Min-hwan said, "I promised to eat with the children's mother on their birthdays," and said that it shows the father's efforts to ensure that the three siblings can spend time with their precious mother. Curiosity is focused on.

Meanwhile, KBS2 2TV's 'The Return of Superman' will be broadcast at 9:15 pm today (28th).

Kim Se-ah, Ten Asia reporter
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