Red Velvet's Wendy "I received the President Obama Award because of my good grades"
Red Velvet's Wendy "I received the President Obama Award because of my good grades"
Red Velvet's Wendy revealed that she received the Obama Award while studying abroad.

On the 3rd, Red Velvet's Wendy appeared as a guest on the YouTube channel 'Pisik University-Pisik Show' and talked about her school days.

On this day, Wendy mentioned studying abroad in Canada as the reason for her fluent English skills. The reason for going to Canada to study as a child was, "I was born in Seongbuk-dong, and moved to Jecheon, North Chungcheong Province when I was young. My older sister went to Canada as an exchange student first, and my personality brightened. I changed completely. I wanted to go and live there too." talked.
Red Velvet's Wendy "I received the President Obama Award because of my good grades"
Red Velvet's Wendy "I received the President Obama Award because of my good grades"
Red Velvet's Wendy "I received the President Obama Award because of my good grades"
Red Velvet's Wendy "I received the President Obama Award because of my good grades"
Regarding the circumstances of receiving the President Obama Award, Wendy said, "I received a paper certificate from President Obama because I had a good GPA in the United States. Obama's signature was written on the paper." Wendy, who also took 5th place in a math competition held in Minnesota, USA, said, "In the US, they don't tell you the overall ranking of the school. Instead, they only tell you the score. Honestly, I don't like competing with each other. I think it's cruel."

Regarding his trademark 'short hair', he said, "I can't have short hair anymore. I wanted to have short hair for about 7 to 8 years. However, there is a disadvantage that when I tie my hair, it all falls out. I also have poopy hair. “I want to, but I can’t. I personally recommend ‘Wendy Cut’ to people with clowns,” he said.
Red Velvet's Wendy "I received the President Obama Award because of my good grades"
Red Velvet's Wendy "I received the President Obama Award because of my good grades"
Red Velvet's Wendy "I received the President Obama Award because of my good grades"
Red Velvet's Wendy "I received the President Obama Award because of my good grades"
Wendy, who chose her father as her ideal type, expressed her affection by saying, "My dad is really kind. He would do anything for me." When asked if she had ever met someone like her father, Wendy said, "Not yet."

About the release of the 2nd solo mini album 'Wish You Hell', "This is a new album released after 3 years. If I wanted to make you feel warm with the first album, I wanted to give bright and happy energy this time. You will feel free after listening to my song. “I hope you feel it,” he explained.

Reporter Ha-neul Lee, Ten Asia translated by google