Jeon Hyun-moo, 'public relationship number 2', broke up in transit
Jeon Hyun-moo, 'public relationship number 2', broke up in transit
Hyunmoo Jeon, Seokri, and Jeongjin Lee hotly revealed their dating tendencies through the 'Balance Game Teaser' video.

The entertainment show 'Ultimatum: Romance by Planet' (hereinafter referred to as 'Romance by Planet'), which will be broadcast for the first time on October 27th, is an all-round romance show that gathers for global couples who are on the verge of breakup due to a troublesome relationship, and provides hot and honest advice on dating. It is a love counseling program that puts an end to your worries. While Jeon Hyun-moo, Seok-soo, and Lee Jeong-jin have formed an MC corps, expectations are rising by opening a global dating counseling center for couples in crisis with various relationship concerns.

Meanwhile, 'Romance by Earth' released the 'Balance Game Teaser' video, drawing attention. The released balance game teaser raises interest by featuring a global love balance game between MCs Jeon Hyun-moo, Satire, and Lee Jeong-jin and global coaches Joseph (USA), Ferris (Kenya), Yulia (Finland), and Umeima (Morocco). During an international-domestic relationship, questions arise one after another that make it difficult to decide who is superior or inferior, ranging from choosing one's preferred taste to sensitive questions that can cause fights with one's lover.

Jeon Hyun-moo reveals his clear likes and dislikes when it comes to love and attracts attention by making a decision faster than anyone else. He revealed that he prefers international relationships rather than domestic ones, and confidently stated that he would rather be a 'lover who keeps talking about his memories with his ex-lover' than 'a lover who keeps asking about his memories with his ex-lover'. Moreover, Jeon Hyun-moo said to Lee Jeong-jin, who, contrary to him, chose 'the lover who keeps asking about her memories with her ex-lover', "You've never been asked (memories) before, right? “It’s because you haven’t experienced it,” he coolly said, raising questions about what episodes there were in Jeon Hyun-moo’s past romantic history.

Jeon Hyun-moo also said, “A diving breakup is better than a transfer breakup. He clearly expressed his position by saying, “Transferring is the worst,” and “Diving is just a matter of thinking you’re dead,” raising curiosity with an overly immersive balance game based on 200% of his dating experience.

On the other hand, satire says, “There’s no reason to dive. “It’s okay to transfer because I met someone,” he said, adding a reason that is contradictory to that of Jeon Hyun-moo, and chose to separate by transfer. Accordingly, it is expected that various debates about love will unfold through 'Romance by Planet', and at the same time, attention is being paid to how honest and explicit advice Jeon Hyun-moo, Seok-ri, and Lee Jeong-jin, who showed the end of overindulgence in the love balance game, will give to various couples. .

‘Romance by Earth’ will premiere on October 27th at 8:30 PM.

Taeyuna, Ten Asia Reporter translated by google