Hyun Joo-yeop and Hibab, starting with 18 servings of cold ginseng

On the 6th (Saturday), T-Cast E Channel's 'Saturday I Like Rice' will feature a Seoul special and taste three types of grilled food that represent Seoul.
Tobabs visited the country's first frozen black pork pork belly restaurant for their first meal. The restaurant uses the highest grade frozen black pork belly delivered directly from Jeju Island, and along with the meat, you can experience a variety of flavors with a variety of side dishes such as kimchi, fern, and perilla pepper.
Tobabs, who ordered 10 servings as his first order, showed off his meticulousness in pre-heating the grill before the meat was even served. Hibab prepares the meal by bringing the prepared meat directly, putting it on the grill and grilling the meat.
Hyeon Joo-yeop and Hibab, who are in charge of grilling the meat at each table, eat and cook the meat together, emptying 10 servings in the blink of an eye. Thanks to this, the trio who filled their stomachs early put down their spoons, and Ssanghips declared a 'cold ginseng battle' with additional orders.
Hibab and Hyeon Joo-yeop, who added 5 and 3 servings to the table, respectively, discover new flavor combinations such as water parsley and chili peppers and begin eating the remaining pork belly at a rapid pace. The winner of the Morning Cold Ginseng Battle can be found on T-Cast E Channel ‘I Like Rice on Saturdays’.
Meanwhile, the special feature 'I Like Rice on Saturdays' featuring the 3 flavors of grilled Seoul from morning to evening will be available on the Teacast E channel at 5pm on the 6th (Saturday).
Ryu Ye-ji, Ten Asia Reporter