Lee Yi-kyung and Lee Mi-joo put an end to dating rumors... "It's not weird to get divorced"
Lee Yi-kyung and Lee Mi-joo put an end to dating rumors... "It's not weird to get divorced"
Lee Yi-kyung and Lee Mi-ju each had their own solo endings.

The MBC entertainment show 'What do you do when you play?', which aired on the 3rd, was decorated with the 'When the Bell Rings' episode, a project to end the dating rumor between Lee Yi-kyung and Lee Mi-joo. The two, who were unhappy about the suspicion of dating rumors, went on a date to break through head-on, but in the end, their minds were mixed in the final choice, and the dating rumor was put to a clear end.

On this day, the members planned a date course for Lee Yi-kyung and Lee Mi-joo. Yoo Jae-seok suggested, “I think the two of them are actually dating and I want to check how I feel.” Accordingly, the course was decided with Lee Yi-gyeong's pick 'Driving after eating at a regular restaurant', Lee Mi-joo's pick 'Amusement Park', and the members' pick 'Saju Cafe'. Lee Yi-kyung, who was about to go on a date, said, “I received a lot of questions from people around me (whether you two are dating), and questions came from other programs as well.” truth was brought out.

First, I went to Lee Yi-kyung's favorite ecology specialty store. The two of them felt awkward and restless during their first time together. Lee Mi-joo said, "It's all because of me. If I hadn't rubbed my thumbs, it wouldn't have ended like this,” he said, referring to the 'award ceremony handwriting video' that sparked the dating rumor. Lee Yi-kyung asked, “Why did you rub your hands?”, and Lee Mi-joo replied, “I don’t know. It seems unconscious. It is misunderstood,” he explained.

As the awkward situation continued, Lee Yi-kyung said, "If you drink soju here, it's exactly the date I wanted." Lee Mi-joo said, “If this happens, I will have feelings that I didn’t have before. Get married quickly, oppa," and Lee Yi-kyung replied, "With you?", making the situation even more embarrassing.

After the meal, the two went on a date at an amusement park in Lee Yi-kyung's car. Lee Mi-joo said, "It's so exciting," and showed a completely different tension from the ecological house. The two ate cotton candy, rode the elephant train, put on matching school uniforms, and started a real date. Yoo Jae-seok, who saw this, expressed his excitement by proxy, saying, “Our youngest members, Mi-joo and Lee Kyung-i, are still young” and “They are really dating.” Park Jin-joo said, “I think you forgot about us?” and made everyone laugh. Lee Yi-kyung is not good at rides, but she tried for Lee Mi-joo, and Mi-joo grabbed Lee Yi-kyung's hand and drew attention.

The two of them headed to the last date course Saju Cafe seemed to be more comfortable. The owner said, “The compatibility between the two is not bad. They fill in each other's missing parts. But the problem is that the two owners are too strong. It will not be strange no matter how many times you divorce,” he said, shocking the result of the bomb. Saju said, "In conclusion, the compatibility of the two is the optimal compatibility for a show window couple," and the members who heard it clapped and responded with "It's perfect," "You're doing well," and "It's so cool."

After a day of dating, Lee Yi-kyung and Lee Mi-ju faced each other in front of the bell ahead of their final decision to confirm their sincerity. Ringing the bell would give them another chance to meet. And at the moment of choice, only Lee Yi-gyeong rang the bell and made everyone burst into laughter. Lee Mi-joo said, “What should I do? I didn’t know how to ring a bell,” he said and left as if he was running away. Lee Yi-kyung, who even turned her ears red, said, “It was a day when I was able to get to know one person, Mi-joo. Seriously, I don't regret this choice today. So I didn't ring the bell. It was a feeling like ‘Stop America’,” he explained the reason. "I'm sorry oppa," said Lee Mi-joo, who went on her way, and said, "I was happy. I'll send it to you," and the members burst into laughter as Lee Yi-kyung greeted the solo ending.

In the trailer released at the end of the broadcast, the members started bartering with one item. From the ever-growing scale of objects to the appearance of unexpected characters, it was predicted.

Reporter Tae Yuna, Ten Asia youyou@tenasia.co.kr translated by google