Neither Lim Ji-yeon nor Park Hae-jin, 'National Death Penalty Vote' shock poster

SBS' new Thursday drama 'National Death Penalty Vote' will be broadcast for the first time at 9:00 pm on Thursday, August 10th. 'National Death Penalty Vote' is a public participation judgment drama depicting the story of tracking down an unknown person who carries out a national death penalty vote on vicious criminals and executes them.
In the midst of this, on July 13th, a teaser poster containing the fresh shock that the 'National Death Penalty Vote' will give was released. The teaser poster for 'National Death Penalty Vote' does not contain the faces of the three main actors, Park Hae-jin (Kim Moo-chan), Park Seong-woong (Kwon Seok-joo), and Lim Ji-yeon (Joo-hyeon). Someone in a black suit is standing there holding a mask without expression. The pure white dog mask contrasted with the black background steals the gaze.
In the play, Gaetal is an unknown being who carries out a national death penalty vote and executes the death penalty for vicious criminals who were not judged by the law. The people's death penalty vote, which began due to extortion, shakes the entire society and raises the question of 'what is the right justice'. Gaetal, who has gathered the public's attention in one place, is executed one after another according to the voting results, and the police run and run to track down such Gatal.
As such, Gaetal is a very important and symbolic existence in the 'national death penalty vote'. Therefore, it is not an actor with a face we are familiar with, but Gaetal is put forward on the front of the teaser poster, showing intensely that 'National Death Penalty Vote' is by no means an ordinary or common drama. Here, through the phrase “Are you in favor of the death penalty?”, it makes us expect a more shocking and powerful drama that can never happen in reality.
'National Death Penalty Vote' is broadcast every Thursday at 9:00 pm, starting with the first and second broadcasts at 9:00 pm on Thursday, August 10th.
Reporter Tae Yuna, Ten Asia