Dr. Eunyoung Oh's exclusive interview
"I hope that the gold solution is not an illusion... My heart hurts when the teaching authority falls
“I oppose violence taught by beating, I don’t mean raising onyao or nya”
"Listen to the teacher's 'I'll be careful' and come? Distorted intention... Please read the context"
[Exclusive] Oh Eun-young opened her mouth to the theory of responsibility for the fall of teaching authority "I want to correct the misunderstanding"
[Exclusive] Oh Eun-young opened her mouth to the theory of responsibility for the fall of teaching authority "I want to correct the misunderstanding"
"I made up my mind when I saw the stories pouring out that children (parents) should be raised while beating."
Oh Eun-young, a specialist in psychiatric medicine, cautiously opened up about the issue of the fall of teaching power and the theory of responsibility for it, which has recently emerged due to the death and assault of an elementary school teacher. The reason he decided to interview Ten Asia on the 25th was because he was worried about children who would be exposed to violence in public opinion seething with anger. Dr. Oh Eun-young appealed that this issue should not lead to a violent gaze toward children. I sincerely hoped that the arrow would not go back to the 'golden teeth' even if I took any amount of criticism towards myself.
The recent death and assault of an elementary school teacher has revealed the reality of the fall of teaching authority, which has caused regret. In particular, the cause of death of the deceased teacher was known as excessive complaints and abuse from parents, and it was also a public outrage.

Oh Eun-young:
Teachers and parents are not subject to confrontation. It is a relationship in which we discuss and cooperate together to educate our children well. I have always emphasized this too. I am also heartbroken over the recent unfortunate incident. I am well aware of the heavy weight on my shoulders.

Some pointed to Dr. Oh Eun-young as one of the causes of this problem, and the theory of responsibility arose. Dr. Chun-Seok Seo argued that the 'golden teeth' program creates the illusion that problems that cannot be solved can be solved.

Oh Eun-young:
'Gold Side' is not a human modification program. This is not a program where parents who have lost their way to parenting reveal their problems, discuss the cause and reason of the problem together, and talk about the direction of parenting in the future. Parents help with the first step in opening the door of hard work. Through the process of effort, if there is something that the child changes little by little compared to before, it is not an illusion, but gives hope. Don't you think it would be sad if there was no hope for parents? The same goes for teachers. We want our children to become better through learning. Wouldn't it be too sad if you thought that you were a child with no potential from birth?

Do you agree that children's problems cannot be solved with a few rounds of counseling or education?

Oh Eun-young:
Even on the 'golden side', I tell you to see a specialist if you need medication, and if you are already seeing a doctor, I tell you to keep meeting. If you need hospitalization treatment, you are constantly told to be hospitalized. It doesn't get better in a short time, so don't get tired, and even if you're tired, be strong. I never said it would get better with one or two treatments, and I don't think so. that's impossible 'Gold side' This is a program that provides direction, not treatment. Just watching the broadcast, people say, 'The modification didn't work' or 'The solution failed', but this program doesn't divide it into failure and success. I want you to know that the purpose is to find out together that there are various sides.

What exactly does the word 'gold' mean?

Oh Eun-young:
'Gold teeth' does not mean 'gold or jade' as commonly thought. At some point, 'Geumjjok-i' was used like a pronoun for older children. The word 'gold side' means that everyone is valuable regardless of conditions, economy, command, race, or gender. Since he is a precious person, we put it in the sense that we should discuss it well and raise him. As many parents come out with courage, it also means to avoid mentioning their real names and to protect their children.

Are there any concerns about the 'golden side' criticism towards the program?

Oh Eun-young:
If you say 'the gold side', they think it's a very serious problem. There were also many concerns about children. My heart hurts a lot as it seems that the efforts of parents who appeared with sincerity to raise their children well are being denied. In the future, we have to discuss how to raise our children well, but I am concerned that fewer people will be able to take courage.

I'm curious about the exact meaning of the word 'let's understand' that is often used in solutions.

Oh Eun-young:
It means to recognize the child, to recognize the parents themselves, and to know the difficulties of the child. There are people who know that we are told to blindly accept and listen to it all.. To understand is to find out. It means to find out the reason for the problem from various angles, and through this process, parents should also be aware of their own problems and find out that there is such a direction. It's absolutely not that you should listen to everything and allow everything.
[Exclusive] Oh Eun-young opened her mouth to the theory of responsibility for the fall of teaching authority "I want to correct the misunderstanding"
[Exclusive] Oh Eun-young opened her mouth to the theory of responsibility for the fall of teaching authority "I want to correct the misunderstanding"
Some netizens who insist on the necessity of corporal punishment say that Dr. Eun-Young Oh's education center, who has emphasized teaching and not hitting, has planted the wrong idea in parents, and is cited as one of the causes of the fall in teaching authority.

Oh Eun-young:
Whose rights are less precious and more precious? The rights of teachers as well as students are important. That doesn't change. I am also heartbroken over the unfortunate loss of a teacher. However, the logic of some of the public that the school authority has fallen because they do not hit children is heartbreaking. I've been doing 'My child has changed' for 11 years since 2005. Discipline is the most important thing then. His nickname was also Discipline Teacher. Parents should teach their children when they misbehave. But even then, parents beat their children a lot. I'm not saying don't discipline, I'm saying don't hit. Discipline is emphasized throughout life.

Are you still against corporal punishment?

Oh Eun-young:
These days, corporal punishment is widely applied, and I oppose the violence of hitting rather than corporal punishment. You can discipline them enough without hitting them. Just be firm and clear. You shouldn't think that you can only discipline a child by beating it. Parental authority comes from leadership that cannot be compromised. To subjugate another through beating is violence. Violence has no justification for anyone. People shouldn't hit people. It broke my heart the most when I saw the story spreading that I had to beat a child through this incident. I am very concerned about the reactions (from some of the public) that the children should be beaten again and the teachers should be clubbed. That kind of teaching authority is not what teachers want right now. I also really hope that teachers work with pride as teachers.

What is the 'resolute discipline' that Dr. Eunyoung Oh is talking about?

Oh Eun-young:
Not hitting doesn't mean raising a child. Discipline is when the teacher takes initiative and control and teaches the prohibition never to do what is clearly not to be done. It's setting limits that you can't do this. It should not be in the form of a question or a request. In the old days, it was thought that children listened to you when you hit them. However, only physical fear remains in the memory. Later, you don't know what you did wrong, and you offset what you did wrong and what you got right. You can also hit others when you are in trouble. It's not a good way to respond quickly. I'm not saying don't teach right and wrong. I'm not asking you to raise a child without quirks. That people shouldn't hit people.
[Exclusive] Oh Eun-young opened her mouth to the theory of responsibility for the fall of teaching authority "I want to correct the misunderstanding"
[Exclusive] Oh Eun-young opened her mouth to the theory of responsibility for the fall of teaching authority "I want to correct the misunderstanding"
There are also criticisms of the book written by Dr. Oh Eun-young. In one of the books, sentences such as “You have to come back after hearing the words ‘I will be careful’ from the teacher’s mouth” and “If there is not much left in the semester, you will be patient, but go to the principal or vice principal”, which seem to be manuals that abuse the school. that was the reason.

Oh Eun-young:
The content of the article spread online is completely different from my opinion. The context was cut off and the intention was damaged. A book is a forum for conveying the author's opinion. Line by line, each paragraph has a connotation. The controversial chapter has a total of 7 pages and 122 lines. There are only about 10 lines of information that have been circulated online. You can tell the intention of the text by looking at the context before and after. It's easy to get it wrong if you cut it all and put out only fragmentary parts.

Please explain in what context you made these words.

Oh Eun-young:
The title of the chapter is 'Homeroom teacher, you don't fit me very well. I don't want to go to school'. Unlike middle and high school students, elementary school students stay with their homeroom teacher all day. There are about 30 students in a class, and not all of them fit the homeroom teacher. In this chapter, the teacher is not wrong, but the child is suffering because the teacher is opposite. It meant explaining well to the teacher about the child's difficulties and having a good talk so that the child can work together to teach well.

As Dr. Oh Eun-young said, it is hard to find the feeling of abusive behavior demanding an apology from the teacher at the front of the controversial page.

Oh Eun-young:
Children who are timid and timid don't have problems that are revealed externally, so teachers don't know about them. In such cases, it means to explain well to the teacher so that the child can understand. I'm not asking you to apologize for making mistakes. If you look at the context of the actual book, it contains the intention that you should respect the teacher. Going to the vice-principal or the principal does not mean that the teacher is telling you that he is wrong. Children who are timid and timid refuse to go to school unless the problem is resolved. That's a very tricky problem. That's why it's good to discuss the child's situation.

Do you think this is a point where we should consider the influence of media exposed to provocative scenes?

Eunyoung Oh:
That's right. If you watch one episode of 'My Little Boy Like Gold' from beginning to end, the golden side leads to a single context, from the sincerity of parents to discussing and setting a direction for children's problematic behavior. However, when this is cut off as a meme or short content like YouTube, some content shows the parents' bewildered appearance, and only the behavior of the problem child is reflected to the extent that one wonders if there is such a child. The essence of what we originally wanted to convey disappears. Please take a look at the whole context. I, too, have a lot of concerns about and contemplate over stimulating short content.

Is there a message you really want to convey to parents raising children and teachers teaching children?

Oh Eun-young:
Depending on which parent is by your side, your child's future will change. Teachers are also important people. Because school is important for learning society and understanding other people. It is not just a place to learn knowledge. In another aspect, the teacher is the one who influences the child. I hope that the system will be supplemented so that the relationship between teachers and parents can be a relationship that can be of mind rather than confrontation. As I have done for over 30 years, I will persevere and do what I can to create a society where not only children but everyone respect each other and fulfill their duties and responsibilities.

Any last words you want to say?

Oh Eun-young:
'Golden Side', which contains teachers' grievances, will also discuss broadcasting. I believe that no matter what happens, we should not go back to the days of guiding problems through violence. Everyone who appeared in 'Golden Side' comes out with sincerity about parenting. I know you will continue to work hard even after the broadcast. I am concerned that this incident will misrepresent the sincerity of parents who want to raise their children well. We earnestly ask you to stop the arrows of criticism caused by misunderstandings about the performers who have appeared so far and those who will be in the future.

■ When reporting interviews, please keep the 'Ten Asia' source.

Reporter Tae Yuna, Ten Asia youyou@tenasia.co.kr translated by google