The movie '1947 Boston' (director Kang Je-gyu) released a fact check.

FACT 1. The moment of crisis when a dog tripped and fell during the game.
Is the movie '1947 Boston' a true story about Im Si-wan tripping over a dog during a game?
Is the movie '1947 Boston' a true story about Im Si-wan tripping over a dog during a game?
Seo Yun-bok (Im Si-wan) tripped on a dog that suddenly jumped out of the stands while running the Boston Marathon after going through a difficult process.

Surprisingly, this scene, which made the hearts of the audience who were watching with sweat in their hands, sink, is a true story. Even Seo Yun-bok, who had the misfortune of having his sneaker laces come undone after a fall, did not have time to repair them, so he sprinkled water on his sneakers and ran to wet them so they would not come undone any further. Director Kang Je-gyu was able to convey a vivid sense of reality to the audience as if they were in Boston by directing the marathon race scene based on a very dramatic real-life situation.

FACT 2. Smedley, a strong supporter of the national team
Is the movie '1947 Boston' a true story about Im Si-wan tripping over a dog during a game?
Is the movie '1947 Boston' a true story about Im Si-wan tripping over a dog during a game?
Smedley (Morgan Bradley) worked as the director of the Physical Education Department of the U.S. Military Government in 1947 and provided great help to the national marathon team participating in its first international competition.

Not only did he donate $600 of all his savings in Korea to athletes Ki-Jeong Son, Seung-Ryong Nam, and Yun-Bok Seo, who were in crisis due to lack of financial deposits ahead of the Boston Marathon, but he also did not spare any support by appealing to U.S. military officers to raise $1,500. didn't Later, Seo Yun-bok also looked back on Smedley as a benefactor of glory.

FACT 3. Baek Nam-hyeon’s real person, financial guarantor Baek Nam-yong
Is the movie '1947 Boston' a true story about Im Si-wan tripping over a dog during a game?
Is the movie '1947 Boston' a true story about Im Si-wan tripping over a dog during a game?
Baek Nam-hyeon (Kim Sang-ho), a financial guarantor who always talks about money, but helps the national team both materially and spiritually, was dramatized with the motif of Baek Nam-yong, a Korean resident in Boston who was in charge of financial guarantor for the players at the time.

In fact, he was quite meticulous about money. As soon as he saw the national team arriving in Boston, he asked how much money they had. However, he brought the trio, who could not adapt to Western-style hotels, to his house and stayed there, and when American reporters laughed at their shabby behavior, they took them to a tailor and had them made new clothes, helping the national team adapt to the local situation ahead of the competition. It was a great help.

The movie '1947 Boston' is being screened to rave reviews in theaters nationwide.

Reporter Ha-neul Lee, Ten Asia
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