New Jeans pulls out a knife at Cyber Wrecka... Will this be a good precedent following Ive?

According to The New York Times on the 11th (Korean time), Adore requested in a California federal court that Google disclose the identity of the YouTube account owner who is spreading defamatory remarks about New Jeans members. requested.
According to documents filed in federal court in California, a YouTube user with the account @Middle7 made defamatory remarks against New Jeans in dozens of videos. These videos have been viewed more than 13 million times.
Adore said, "This account has also participated in swearing and other mocking actions toward New Jeans. It continues to seriously damage New Jeans' reputation. We are regularly taking legal action against violations of artists' rights." .
If the agency's request is accepted by the federal court and the user in question is identified, a lawsuit can be filed for defamation and insult under domestic criminal law based on this.
Previously, Starship Entertainment, the agency of Jang Won-young of the group IVE, received the identity of the operator of the YouTube channel 'Taldeok Camp' from Google and filed a lawsuit in a domestic court, continuing the legal battle.
It is known that Starship Entertainment succeeded in obtaining the identity of the YouTube channel operator from Google by translating all the videos posted on 'Taldeok Camp' into English and submitting them to a California federal court. Afterwards, the agency expressed its strong will to take legal action, saying "there will be no leniency."
It is known that it is difficult to legally respond to defamation of artists through YouTube, and cyber wreckers have been popping up all over the place. However, Google is cooperative in disclosing the identity of cyber wreckers on YouTube and has even taken legal action, giving a green light to 'catching cyber wreckers' in the future, and the public's support continues.
Lee Min-kyung, Ten Asia Reporter 2min_ror@tenasia.co.kr