Park Bo-gum, who sobbed, “I would have lived happily ever after,” has adapted perfectly to the life of another person.
Park Bo-gum, who sobbed, “I would have lived happily ever after,” has adapted perfectly to the life of another person.
Actor Park Bo-gum felt unconditional family love and friendship and became more deeply involved in 'other people's lives.'

In JTBC's 'My Name is Gabriel', which aired on the 28th, Park Bo-gum was portrayed as living the life of 'Ruri', the leader of an a cappella choir in Dublin, Ireland.

On this day's broadcast, Park Bo-gum went to meet Ruri's parents with excitement, and as soon as he met his mother, he smiled brightly and held a bouquet of flowers in his arms, showing his side as a 'sweet' son. After a moment of awkwardness and nervousness, the three people spoke in a familiar manner as if they were a family that had been together for a long time and cared for each other, bringing smiles to the viewers.

After eating with his parents, Park Bo-gum admired the traces of the life he had created so far, including touring the room Ruri used when she was young. In addition, Ruri created warm memories by helping her parents take care of the house as she always did.

When the time to say goodbye finally arrived, Park Bo-gum paced around unable to take his steps out of regret, and presented a song to his parents along with playing the piano. Ruri's mother was moved to tears by the beautiful melody that echoed through the house, and kissed her tenderly as if she were kissing her real son.

Although it was only a short time, Park Bo-gum, who shared family affection with Ruri's parents, conveyed his heart through a letter full of sincerity, and was moved by showing the image of a 'family' who understands and loves each other even if they are not related by blood.

At the home party that followed after returning home, Park Bo-gum shared delicious food with the choir members, practiced singing, and finished the day with bright energy. The choir members' harmony, playing instruments together and harmonizing with excitement, was reminiscent of a mini concert, and the last night spent as Ruri was also filled with positive and warm energy.

In this way, Park Bo-gum boasts amazing chemistry with the people around him, completely assimilating into Ruri's daily life in just two days, and immersing viewers in the show by showing off new charms such as his fluent English skills and sweet voice.

'My name is Gabriel', featuring Park Bo-gum, airs every Friday night at 8:50 PM on JTBC.

Choi Ji-ye, Ten Asia Reporter