Kim Jun-ho says "Please let me get married."
Kim Jun-ho says "Please let me get married."
Comedian Kim Jun-ho expressed his earnest desire to get married.

In the 13th episode of 'Dokbak Tour 2', which airs at 8:20 pm on the 30th (Saturday), Kim Jun-ho is depicted looking at the Thu Bon River in Hoi An and making a wish, "Please let me get married."

On this day, Kim Dae-hee

‘Dogbagz’, who previously explored the hot spots in ‘Old Town’, arrives at Thu Bon River, a famous place that makes wishes come true. Here, the five people decide to make a wish again, recalling memories of making wishes while flying 'sky lanterns' during their past trip to Taiwan. Then, Yoo Se-yoon said, “This time, instead of a big wish, let’s say a small wish that can come true right away,” and proceeded with the ‘Sohwaakso’ (simple and certain small wish) time.

First of all, ‘eldest brother’ Kim Dae-hee put his hands together in earnest and prayed, “Please don’t let me get caught in the ‘poison game’ during dinner later.” Next, Hong In-gyu murmurs, “Me and Dong-min are among the two ‘final candidates for dog-pak,’ so please keep us going until the end.”

On the other hand, Yoo Se-yoon and Jang Dong-min show their 'lovers' side by making a heartfelt wish for their wife, and finally, Kim Jun-ho kneels down and shouts, "Please let me marry you," surprising everyone. In response to Kim Jun-ho's 'sudden wish', Kim Dae-hee causes a 'pupil earthquake' by saying, "Isn't that such a big wish?" and Jang Dong-min admits, "It looks so earnest, so let's look at it," making people laugh.

After making a heartwarming wish at the Thu Bon River, ‘Dog Bagz’ heads to ‘Banh Xeo Restaurant’ recommended by Kim Jun-ho. ‘Dogbox’, impressed by the gorgeous decorations from the entrance, orders the dinner menu with an exclamation of “Wow, is it a garden?”

Afterwards, they start a storm of mukbang, and during the meal, Kim Dae-hee declares, “Now we have to play a game of poison with the money for the meal.” In response, Hong In-gyu, who is ranked 1st in the 'dog-bagging rankings', asks, "What was the poison-bagging game that Dong-min got caught in?" and starts to 'pursue Jang Dong-min' in earnest.

You can check it out in episode 13 of Channel S's 'Nidonnaesan Dog Park Tour 2', which airs at 8:20 pm on the 30th (Sat).

Kim Se-ah, Ten Asia reporter
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