Kim Hye-sun and Stefan, second-generation conflict erupts again
Kim Hye-sun and Stefan, second-generation conflict erupts again
Kim Hye-sun again persuaded her 'Dink' husband Stefan to have a second child.

In the SBS entertainment show 'Same Bed, Different Dreams 2 - You Are My Destiny', which aired on the 19th, Kim Hye-sun's younger brother and his wife were shown visiting the home of Kim Hye-sun and Stephen with their children.

On this day, Kim Hye-seon's younger sister's family came to the house to celebrate the Lunar New Year. Kim Hye-sun and her younger brother and wife went to the supermarket to buy ingredients for German food for Stefan. The only ones left at home were Stephen and Kim Hye-sun's two nephews.

Kim Hye-sun's younger brother was worried about Stefan being with the children, but Kim Hye-sun said, "I left him alone on purpose. I thought he might change his mind after being with the kids for a while." Previously, Kim Hye-sun and Stefan had a conflict over the second generation issue. Unlike Kim Hye-sun, who wanted a second generation after marriage, Stefan still stuck to the Dink family.

Kim Hye-sun's younger brother advised, "It seems like Stefan has a lot of fear. If you keep pushing him while he's afraid, he might hate it even more because he feels like he's being forced. So just leave it alone." However, Kim Hye-sun was upset, saying, "How long will you let this go? I am now an old woman. When I went to the hospital, they told me that my ovarian age was 48. They said I could go into menopause soon. This year could be the last." Contrary to his worries, Stefan had a fun time with Kim Hye-sun's nephews.
Kim Hye-sun and Stefan, second-generation conflict erupts again
Kim Hye-sun and Stefan, second-generation conflict erupts again
Kim Hye-sun reminisced about the past while writing a war with her sister. Kim Hye-seon worked part-time delivering newspapers to make a living when she was in elementary school, and she froze when a strange man tried to touch her. Kim Hye-sun then said, “Do you remember getting a job at a factory when you were in your third year of high school? He revealed that he supported his younger brother by saying, “I took out a loan to go to college.”

Sister Kim Hye-seon lost her parents when she was young and often spent holidays alone. Kim Hye-sun said, “My parents passed away when I was young. At first, my younger brother met my brother-in-law, and he had four older sisters. Since everyone was already married and I liked the bustle and noise, my younger brother said he would get married. We got married after meeting each other for less than a month. “My younger brother moved down from Seoul because the job was good and the people were good,” he said.

Kim Hye-sun asked Stefan, "Did you enjoy playing with your nephews today?" and "Isn't it fun to play with kids? It'll be more fun if we play with our kids." But Stefan answered firmly, “No, I don’t need a baby yet.” Kim Hye-sun was upset and said, “There is a long way to go.”

Taeyuna, Ten Asia Reporter translated by google