Drama 'Lovers' actor Namgoong Min, "I'm always confident no matter what project comes my way"
Drama 'Lovers' actor Namgoong Min, "I'm always confident no matter what project comes my way"
Actor Namgoong Min revealed the behind-the-scenes story that occurred while filming 'Lovers'.

Actors Nam Goong Min and Ahn Eun-jin from the MBC drama 'Lovers' appeared as guests on the JTBC entertainment program 'Knowing Brothers', which aired on the 6th.

On this day, Namgoong Min explained the rumors of his discord with Kim Heechul. When Namgoong Min appeared, Lee Jin-ho mentioned the rumor of a feud with Kim Hee-chul, saying, "Min was originally going to come here, but there was someone in our class we didn't get along with." In response, Namgoong Min said, "I saw him for the first time that day. He was so honest and funny after drinking, so I was just being honest and talking to him, but he said, 'They don't get along' and 'Namgoong Min hates Heechul,' and he was sorry."
Drama 'Lovers' actor Namgoong Min, "I'm always confident no matter what project comes my way"
Drama 'Lovers' actor Namgoong Min, "I'm always confident no matter what project comes my way"
Drama 'Lovers' actor Namgoong Min, "I'm always confident no matter what project comes my way"
Drama 'Lovers' actor Namgoong Min, "I'm always confident no matter what project comes my way"
He then said, "I felt a little sorry for Heechul. He played the role of Heechul, but I thought I had misunderstood, so we contacted him first and had dinner with him. He was my favorite younger brother, so I invited him. Since this incident, we have actually become close friends," ending the rumors of a discord. was dismissed.

Regarding the relationship between JTBC and Namgoong Min, Kang Ho-dong said, "There is something that has not been resolved yet. I have not been able to reconcile with Gungmin and JTBC," and said that he has not participated in JTBC dramas since the 2014 drama 'Soothed, Jang-guk'. Namgoong Min, who heard this, jokingly said, "I also want to work on JTBC. If there are high-ranking officials, please invite me too."
Drama 'Lovers' actor Namgoong Min, "I'm always confident no matter what project comes my way"
Drama 'Lovers' actor Namgoong Min, "I'm always confident no matter what project comes my way"
Drama 'Lovers' actor Namgoong Min, "I'm always confident no matter what project comes my way"
Drama 'Lovers' actor Namgoong Min, "I'm always confident no matter what project comes my way"
The behind-the-scenes footage of ‘Lovers’ was also revealed. 'Lovers' received a lot of love from viewers, receiving the highest viewership rating of 12.9%. When asked if he expected the success of 'Lovers', Namgoong Min had a humble attitude, saying, "When I'm doing a drama, I'm always confident no matter what the project is. I go in prepared to do my best better than anyone else. The viewers evaluate that, right?" showed.

He said he made consistent efforts to control his weight while filming the drama. Namgoong Min said, "The writer of 'Lovers' called me and asked, 'I want to include a topless scene, is it possible?' It's hard, so don't write it! If you do that, won't the atmosphere be ruined? Even if you go in at 4 a.m. because you said, 'I'll try to build my fashion muscles,' it's 3,000 won." “I slept for 40 minutes consistently for about a month,” he said.
Drama 'Lovers' actor Namgoong Min, "I'm always confident no matter what project comes my way"
Drama 'Lovers' actor Namgoong Min, "I'm always confident no matter what project comes my way"
Drama 'Lovers' actor Namgoong Min, "I'm always confident no matter what project comes my way"
Drama 'Lovers' actor Namgoong Min, "I'm always confident no matter what project comes my way"
Actress Ahn Eun-jin said about her feelings about working with Namgoong Min for the first time through 'Lovers', "I was constantly shaking with tension at the beginning of filming, but I had nothing to worry about because Namgoong Min was there. Since he was such a big senior to me, I wondered how we could become friends, but after part 1, we were together. “We became closer through honest conversations,” he said.

In response, Namgoong Min gave generous praise, saying, "That day, Eunjin Ahn suddenly said to me, 'Senior, I'm sad about something.' To be honest, I don't know much about such things because I'm not very tactful, but it was nice to talk about it after having a drink. I liked Eunjin Ahn's honesty." .
Drama 'Lovers' actor Namgoong Min, "I'm always confident no matter what project comes my way"
Drama 'Lovers' actor Namgoong Min, "I'm always confident no matter what project comes my way"
Drama 'Lovers' actor Namgoong Min, "I'm always confident no matter what project comes my way"
Drama 'Lovers' actor Namgoong Min, "I'm always confident no matter what project comes my way"
Also, regarding one of the famous lines from 'Lovers', "I really hate you," Namgoong Min said, "No matter how much I try at home, it seems to be of no use. I go to the high hill of Hwangmae Mountain, where the wind blows, and Gilchae looks into my eyes and says she doesn't like them. "The moment I saw it, that tone just came out. I was so sad. I love you, but I feel sad that people don't know how I feel, so that tone came out," he replied.

Reporter Ha-neul Lee, Ten Asia greenworld@tenasia.co.kr translated by google