Seo Yi-sook becomes the mother of Dr. Ahn Jung-geun... Casting of ‘Sun in Snow Country’
Seo Yi-sook becomes the mother of Dr. Ahn Jung-geun... Casting of ‘Sun in Snow Country’
Actress Seo Yi-sook delivers a weighty performance as Mrs. Jo Maria, the mother of Dr. Ahn Jung-geun.

Seo Yi-sook has been cast in the pre-production drama 'Sun in the Snow Country' (produced by Deoyoon Media Group, written and directed by Kim San), a pre-production drama depicting Ahn Jung-geun and his family, as well as those who became members of the independence movement and died like fireworks, and is about to begin filming for the first time in the new year.

Mrs. Jo Maria (Cho Seong-nyeo), played by Seo Yi-sook, is revered as the mother of the independence movement. She assassinated Ito Hirobumi and impressed her contemporaries and future generations with a letter she wrote to her son who was imprisoned in Yeosun Prison in China.

“If you, as a child, think it is unfilial to die before your old mother and appeal, that is not filial piety at all. “If you are going to die with a big intention, I hope you will think hard and not leave behind a picture of yourself struggling to survive,” she said, setting an example by showing a mother’s upright attitude toward her son who was about to die.

The production company, Deoyun Media Group, said, “Maria Jo’s proud path as a mother in an era when she had to accept her son’s death and a female independence activist in Korea reflects the line and context of actress Seo Yi-sook’s strong and sometimes humane acting skills. “It has reached us,” he said, revealing the background to his casting.

Seo Yi-sook said, “The mere fact that I have to play the mother of Dr. Ahn Jung-geun makes me feel pressured. “I will approach the world view of the independence movement while understanding Ms. Jo Maria’s will to shine a light in an era of darkness,” he said.

The drama 'Sun of the Snow Country', which depicts the life of An Jung-geun as a general in the independence army, tells the story of those who sacrificed their lives for peace on the Korean Peninsula, the first story of Choi Jae-hyung from Shinhanchon in Russia, and the brilliant life of heroes, including the hardships and sorrows of Ahn Jung-geun's family after the Harbin Incident. Draw.

The drama 'Snow Country's Sun', which is scheduled to air on public and OTT in 2025 with a total of 3 series of 10 episodes each, is planned as 100% pre-production and will begin filming in February 2024.
[Photo provided by The YDK E&M Co., Ltd.]

Ryu Ye-ji, Ten Asia Reporter translated by google