Lee Mal-nyeon "'Man torn apart', dragged to a desert island"

On the 27th, an online production presentation was held for TVING's new original entertainment show 'Man Ripping Man'. Producer Hwang Jae-seok, writer Lee Bora, and actors Lee Mal-nyeon, Joo Ho-min, Kian84, and Joo Woo-jae attended.
Lee Mal-nyeon said, “I usually do personal broadcasts, but I had no idea that we would have a preview and production presentation like this. “I feel new and good,” he said. He continued, “Seeing this gives me a new feeling of coming back to life.”
The four people said that at first they thought it was a program about traveling overseas rather than to a deserted island. Lee Mal-nyeon said, “At first, they laid a smoke screen. They said they would go on a trip to Thailand and then go on a trip to Europe. They went to Thailand as a smoke screen. I had no doubts. He said he was going to Malta for the second time. I packed my luggage for Malta, but suddenly I had to go to Incheon Airport in a limousine, but instead I went by boat. “I was taken to a deserted island like that,” he recalled. He continued, “At first, I didn't feel bad, I was just confused. He confessed, “I somehow got angry exactly two months after I returned from the deserted island alive,” and added, “The second time I got angry, I thought, 'You're not giving me time to get angry.' “I thought this was all planned.”
Lee Mal-nyeon pointed out the uniqueness of 'Man-rip-nam', saying, “It also reveals the physical and psychological essence.” Joo Ho-min said, “It's completely different. This is not a travel program. “I had a hard time,” he said. Joo Woo-jae added, “When I came out of there, it actually felt like I was going on a trip.”
'Man torn apart' is a desert island survival variety toon in which the main characters in the cartoon, Lee Mal-nyeon, Joo Ho-min, Kian 84, and Joo Woo-jae struggle to survive in the cartoon world. It will be released for the first time on the 27th.
Kim Ji-won, Ten Asia reporter