Actor Ha Jung-woo, "'The Chaser' director Na Hong-jin, his confidence has been great ever since."

On the 25th, actor Ha Jung-woo of the movie '1947 Boston' (directed by Kang Je-gyu) appeared as a guest on Sung Si-kyung's YouTube channel.
Revealed 'Sung Si-kyung's I'll Meet l Ha Jung-woo's filmography and behind-the-scenes reveal!' In the video, Ha Jung-woo explained his filmography one by one.
On this day, Ha Jung-woo mentioned the reason why he joined 'The Chaser', which surprised the audience with an eerie line. Ha Jung-woo added about the past when he auditioned for and appeared in the drama 'Hit' after the funding for two films fell through in succession, and said, "Another low-budget film came in, and that was 'The Chaser.'"

Next, Ha Jung-woo, who revealed the behind-the-scenes casting for 'War on Crime', said, "Actually, Min-sik wasn't the first one to be cast. It was a different actor. But that actor refused and said he wouldn't do it. So the role was given to Min-sik. They gave it to me, but I refused at first. So Director Yoon said to me, ‘You dress up as an old man and play that role.’ But I said I couldn’t do it. Director Yoon and Min-sik went to see him again, and he agreed, and the movie was born. “He said.

Seong Si-kyung, who heard this, said, "Isn't this a work that can be said to be a box office failure for the first time?" In response, Ha Jung-woo said, "There was an 'unofficial operation' not long ago, but I don't have many works that received less than 1 million views. Except for low-budget movies when I was young." Seong Si-kyung comforted himself by saying, "There must be failures, I think so. It would be really strange if things continued to go well."

Ha Jung-woo revealed the behind-the-scenes moments while filming '1947 Boston.' He confessed that he was filming '1947 Boston' when he was being threatened by a hacker. In 2019, Ha Jung-woo demanded about 1.5 billion won for personal information leak from a hacker who hacked his cell phone. However, Ha Jung-woo personally talked calmly with the hackers for a month, giving the police time to investigate, and eventually the hackers were arrested.

Through the anecdote with the hacker, Ha Jung-woo said, "What I felt afterward was, 'A mere individual, actor Ha Jung-woo, is going through personal history, and the older brothers could have pulled me in so that it didn't fall apart.'" Maybe (the movie) was very old-fashioned. "You may feel it, and in the end, this movie may not be worth a million. But all that aside, I personally think there was such strength in being able to film this movie until the end," he ruminates.
Meanwhile, the movie '1947 Boston' starring Ha Jung-woo will be released on September 27th.
Reporter Ha-neul Lee, Ten Asia