Singer Key, "I've been very busy this year because I wanted to show off singer Key and team SHINee"
Singer Key, "I've been very busy this year because I wanted to show off singer Key and team SHINee"
SHINee's Key expressed his thoughts on his comeback with the new album 'Good & Great'.

SHINee's Key appeared in an interview on JTBC's 'Newsroom' aired on the 17th.

On this day, SHINee's Key expressed his feelings about visiting 'Newsroom'. Key said, “I always thought it would be a fun and witty opportunity to do variety shows, as well as an honest opportunity to talk about what I was thinking and how I was working on the album.”
Singer Key, "I've been very busy this year because I wanted to show off singer Key and team SHINee"
Singer Key, "I've been very busy this year because I wanted to show off singer Key and team SHINee"
Singer Key, "I've been very busy this year because I wanted to show off singer Key and team SHINee"
Singer Key, "I've been very busy this year because I wanted to show off singer Key and team SHINee"
Singer Key, "I've been very busy this year because I wanted to show off singer Key and team SHINee"
Singer Key, "I've been very busy this year because I wanted to show off singer Key and team SHINee"
Key, who has lived a busy year in 2023, made his third comeback with a solo album following SHINee's regular album last June. In response, Key said, "I really want to rest. I have to show a new concept, and I need to rest physically, but I also have a mind. I'm a singer, and I'm also a member of team SHINee, so I'm trying to show both sides of myself, so I'm going to spend a lot of time this year. “I got busy,” he said.

Key, who released the mini album 'Good & Great' on the 11th, said, "Actually, I can't be happy every moment I work. No one praises me, so I think I should at least praise myself. He introduced the song saying, “It contains.”
Singer Key, "I've been very busy this year because I wanted to show off singer Key and team SHINee"
Singer Key, "I've been very busy this year because I wanted to show off singer Key and team SHINee"
Singer Key, "I've been very busy this year because I wanted to show off singer Key and team SHINee"
Singer Key, "I've been very busy this year because I wanted to show off singer Key and team SHINee"
When asked if he often praises himself, Key added, "Even if the results are not good, I prepared hard and prepared with all my heart, so I think, 'I got something.' Isn't it called a mental victory?"

Regarding the new song's point choreography, 'Strut, Tsudam', Key said, "The choreographer's original intention was to let one's soul slip away while working. I thought that if I directly expressed what was really difficult while singing this song, it could become very difficult to listen to the song. So, I thought something like pat, sseodam should go in. I changed the exit to pat,” he explained.
Singer Key, "I've been very busy this year because I wanted to show off singer Key and team SHINee"
Singer Key, "I've been very busy this year because I wanted to show off singer Key and team SHINee"
Singer Key, "I've been very busy this year because I wanted to show off singer Key and team SHINee"
Singer Key, "I've been very busy this year because I wanted to show off singer Key and team SHINee"
Singer Key, "I've been very busy this year because I wanted to show off singer Key and team SHINee"
Singer Key, "I've been very busy this year because I wanted to show off singer Key and team SHINee"
When asked what kind of daily life he spends, Key said, "Actually, I don't have much rest. I have to keep looking at things on my phone. I think it's necessary to watch things like that and melt into my work. I think I make a lot of effort not to get trapped inside." He confessed.

He continued, "Because I have times of solitude, I feel like I gain strength from the times I can show myself to others. Because I think it would be difficult for other people to like me if I didn't know myself. At home, I take the time to get to know myself. “There is,” he said.

Regarding the story about helping with the cost of blood cancer medicine, "I think the donation was put to good use for him. I was very fortunate and proud. I hope that my influence on myself will increase, and not just do my job and be done with it, but I hope that it will remain a good influence for the youth of today." “I hope so. I want to become a cool but not bad adult, so I think I’m always heading towards that,” he said honestly.

When asked what kind of image he would like to be remembered by the public, Key said, "'You're more fun than I thought? You're more serious than I thought. You're good at singing. You're good at dancing.' I dance, sing, do variety shows, and when I want to talk about myself, I talk seriously. “I know how to do it. I think it’s important to consistently show myself to you all,” he emphasized.

Reporter Ha-neul Lee, Ten Asia
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