Uie announced that she has become the CEO of the cafe
Uie announced that she has become the CEO of the cafe
Uie revealed that she has become the owner of a cafe.

Uie and Ha Jun, the main characters of KBS 2TV's new weekend drama 'Hyosim's Life, Each Life', will appear on KBS 2TV's 'Problem Child in House', which will be aired at 8:30 pm on the 13th.

Uee said, "I go out every day when there is no filming and make my own drinks and desserts," revealing the aspect of a passionate CEO who does not neglect business even when she is busy. He then said, "I come to work bare-faced, but the employees tell me to put on some makeup because they can't promote the cafe," and made people laugh by sharing their unexpected difficulties and the cute nagging of the employees.

When the MCs were curious about the cafe's income, they responded, "We are seeing a surplus even after paying the salaries of three employees on a regular basis." Even though it was his first business, he boasted of successful profits and showed himself as an outstanding businessman, creating a feeling of satisfaction.

Uee attracted attention by revealing a money management method that surprised even Kim Jong-guk, the ‘salty guy’ in the rooftop. Uie said, "I don't use credit cards, only check cards. I started managing my own money three years ago, but I feel like I would spend a lot if I use credit cards, so I limit myself to check cards," and shared her secret to managing money with a strong economic sense. surprised everyone. He also boasted of the extraordinary filial piety he showed to his parents after his debut. Uie showed off her image as a dutiful daughter, saying, "I paid off the debt at home and converted my parents' house into a spacious single-family home."

Kim Jong-kook, who is famous for making a lot of money but not even a single wet tissue, said, "I have never paid money for an emoticon in my life," and surprised not only Uee and Ha-jun, but also the rooftop MCs by revealing his all-time salty side. When asked if he had ever given a gifticon as a gift, he said, "Apart from giving gifts, I also return all the gifts that come through chat," showing his extreme frugality and causing shock and laughter.

Uie's unusual businessman side, which recorded a viewer rating of 49.4% for the weekend drama, and her frugal money management method that surprised even the salty Kim Jong-guk can be seen in 'Problem Child in House', which airs at 8:30 pm on the 13th.

Kim Ji-won, Ten Asia reporter bella@tenasia.co.kr translated by google