Actress Park Sun-young had a blind date with a younger lawyer after 30 years
Actress Park Sun-young had a blind date with a younger lawyer after 30 years
In SBS' 'My Little Old Boy', a picture of Park Sun-young, a sister with a high level of passion, challenging a blind date in 30 years is revealed.

Seonyeong, a 50-year-old woman who appeared as an 'ugly man' in the last episode and actively visited a marriage information company to find a new relationship. Upon hearing the news that they had finally been matched, Seon-yeong summoned her best friends Jo Hana and Kang Kyung-heon and started preparing for a blind date in earnest under the advice of the two.

Park Sun-young said, "I haven't had a blind date since I was in high school," revealing strong expectations for the first blind date in 30 years. However, Jo Ha-na and Kang Kyung-heon, who saw the blind date look that Seon-young chose, were shocked and hurriedly came up with a costume solution and laughed out loud. For Seonyoung, who is going on a blind date for the first time in 30 years, her best friends have put in a lot of effort, from one-on-one image training to blind date cheat keys.

Subsequently, Park Sun-young, who received information about a blind date partner who was a younger lawyer, said, “I have never met a younger lawyer,” and worried about stretching, but showed excitement on the first phone call with the blind date partner. Contrary to the strong appearance he usually showed, Seon-young's shy appearance, and even the mother Bengers expressed anticipation, saying, "I'm curious what kind of man he will be."

Everyone in the studio admired the tall height and handsome appearance of the blind date partner who finally appeared, and the two continued a good atmosphere by exchanging compliments. However, Seo Jang-hoon, who saw Seon-young making fatal mistakes for a while in the warm pink atmosphere, couldn't hide his worries, saying, "Don't say that."

You can check it out on SBS 'My Little Old Boy' at 9:05 pm on the 20th.

Reporter Kim Se-ah, Ten Asia translated by google