Park Joo-ho's first trip after retirement

The 487th episode of 'Shodol', which will be broadcast at 8:30 pm on the 11th, will be decorated with 'anywhere is fine, let's go together~', and Choikang Changmin will provide special narration. Among them, Jingeonnabli (Naeun + Geonhu + Jinwoo) goes on his first trip to a green ranch for summer vacation after his father Park Jooho's retirement.
Naeun expresses her joy at having more time to spend with her father, Park Joo-ho, saying, "It's sad that I stopped playing soccer, but it's comfortable and I like traveling with my dad." Park Joo-ho said, “This is my first trip with my children after retirement. As you can see, there is no tiredness on the face.”
In the released stills, Chingeonnabli is reminiscent of a pictorial with the appearance of enjoying horseback riding leisurely. Eun-eun skillfully mounts a horse as if riding a bicycle without any fear. There is no such thing as a 'equestrian fairy' in Naeun's appearance enjoying horseback riding with her long hair flying in the right posture. Geonhu was hesitant to mount the big horse at first, but he gathered up his courage and took on the challenge again. Geon-hoo succeeded in horseback riding, showing off his majestic spirit by giving his father, Park Joo-ho, a thumbs up. How was the first horseback riding challenge of the 4-year-old youngest Jin-woo? Jin-woo climbs on the horse and holds the handle of the saddle with his bracken hand, revealing tension. As soon as the horse starts, Jin-woo smiles at his father Park Joo-ho and says that he is taking his first steps in horseback riding.
Chingeonnavli and Park Joo-ho visit Martha and challenge the horses to bathe. Na-Eun raises her pants up to her knees even before holding the hose, and actively participates in the first job, shining the class of 'Nuna-Eun'. Na Eun will surprise the horse by spraying water on it slowly and even trying to communicate with the horse. In response, Park Joo-ho asked, "What if your father works with horses?", and Naeun cheered for Park Joo-ho's new start, saying, "Dad and horses go well together." However, he added a twist and embarrassed his father, Park Joo-ho.
The words that Naeun gave to her father, Park Joo-ho, can be found in episode 487 of KBS2's 'The Return of Superman', which airs at 8:30 pm on the evening of the 11th.
Reporter Kim Ji-won, Ten Asia