Broadcaster Seo Jang-hoon, "cut it off immediately" to the story of the cheating husband
Broadcaster Seo Jang-hoon, "cut it off immediately" to the story of the cheating husband
Broadcaster Seo Jang-hoon gave a stinging advice to the storyteller who introduced the story of her habitual cheating husband in the variety show 'Ask Anything' to cut off her husband immediately.

In the 226th episode of KBS joy 'Ask Anything' (hereafter referred to as 'Ask Bodhisattva') aired on the 31st, a storyteller who faced a crisis in her marriage life because of her habitual cheating husband was introduced.

On this day, the speaker shed tears while mentioning her husband, who had been married for 8 years, but habitually cheated on her. The husband of the storyteller, who had been cheating habitually since the second or third year of marriage, explained that he even asked for a divorce while drunk. In response, the speaker said, “I talked about it because I was soothed.”

When asked about the moment when he first found out about the affair, the storyteller said, "We were a couple on the weekend, and then I got pregnant and went to my husband. At that time, I was drunk and asked for a divorce. He said he had a woman he wanted to live with." The husband of the speaker who had an affair with his boss's wife. Seo Jang-hoon said, “Common sense, it is the cheating person to calm down. No matter how drunk you are,” he said firmly.
Broadcaster Seo Jang-hoon, "cut it off immediately" to the story of the cheating husband
Broadcaster Seo Jang-hoon, "cut it off immediately" to the story of the cheating husband
At the time, the storyteller, who was sleeping with the husband of the drunken storyteller in a motel, said that he confirmed that a woman sent a text message saying, "Go home quickly" at dawn. In response, the storyteller said, "My husband worked at a mart, but he had an affair with the cashier there. I saw the text and got angry. When I fight with my husband, I was so tired that I just left it alone and went to the mart the next day." Describe the situation at the moment.

In fact, the storyteller wanted to end it quietly. He recalled the situation when he visited his mistress, "I gave my husband's name and said that I was his wife. My mistress became quiet. When I asked why, he said, 'I can't remember because I was drunk.' He said, 'What should I do? Shall I tell my husband?’ I went there to ask for an apology, but I was shocked by the other person’s confident attitude. In the end, my husband quit the company.”

Afterwards, the husband's affair continued, and the storyteller reached a situation where his health deteriorated. He mentioned his deteriorating health due to continued stress, saying, "I had surgery because the lump in my uterus was getting bigger. I had a hernia surgery and was diagnosed with diabetes. I lost 8 to 9 teeth in a year."
Broadcaster Seo Jang-hoon, "cut it off immediately" to the story of the cheating husband
Broadcaster Seo Jang-hoon, "cut it off immediately" to the story of the cheating husband
The husband's affair continued even when the storyteller's health deteriorated. The storyteller said, “My husband got a job at a mart and had an affair with the cashier. The call came late at night. She said strange things like saying that the stars in the night sky were pretty or that she wanted to see them, so when I asked who it was, my husband got angry.”

Seo Jang-hoon, who was listening to the story, gave a prickly advice. To the storyteller who was not angry with her husband and only angry with the other women, "I have to kill my husband. Why do you keep visiting (starting with the cheating partner)? My husband may have cheated on the women. I only take my anger out on you. That's why I came to this point."

Then, Seo Jang-hoon said, "I'm talking so strongly because I'm sorry. If you want to end your life, go and cuddle with him. If you want to make a fresh start before it's too late, start today with a strong mind and cut him off."

Reporter Ha-neul Lee, Ten Asia translated by google