ATEEZ unveils music video poster for ‘Crazy Form’
ATEEZ unveils music video poster for ‘Crazy Form’
ATEEZ released a music video poster ahead of releasing their 2nd full-length album today (1st).

ATEEZ is releasing the title song 'Crazy Form' of its 2nd full-length album 'THE WORLD EP FIN: WILL', which will be released at 2pm on the official SNS at midnight on the 1st. The music video poster was released.

In the released poster, ATEEZ, with their confident and relaxed appearance, exuded a strong charisma that pierced through the black and white, while the title song title of their 2nd full-length album was placed in a large format, attracting attention. In particular, English phrases such as 'GET UP, GET UP, GET UP' and '9024, KICK THAT DRUM' are engraved at the bottom.

Previously, ATEEZ released the music video teaser video for 'Crazy Form', capturing attention with scenes that stimulated curiosity about the new album, and left a deep impression by playing a part of the 'Crazy Form' sound source. Despite its short length, the video had overwhelming appeal and ranked first on YouTube's 'Music Video Trending Worldwide'.

In addition, ahead of their comeback, ATEEZ released part of the music video for 'Crazy Form' as a surprise for an hour, receiving an explosive response to the surprise teasing. Accordingly, the video spread rapidly online and received great attention from K-pop fans.

Meanwhile, ATEEZ's 2nd full-length album 'The World Episode Final: Will' will be released at 2pm today (1st).

Kim Se-ah, Ten Asia reporter translated by google