FANTASY BOYS start counting down to debut
FANTASY BOYS start counting down to debut
FANTASY BOYS starts their activities with their debut album 'NEW TOMORROW'.

Fantasy Boys, who were selected in the MBC audition program 'Boys Fantasy', released the time table for their debut album 'NEW TOMORROW' through their official SNS channel on the 28th, and started warming up for their debut.

According to the released time table, Fantasy Boys will sequentially release concept photos, tracklists, and music video teasers. In addition, a special day on September 16 and a showcase on September 21, the debut date, were announced.

In addition, the name of Fantasy Boys' debut album is 'NEW TOMORROW', which contains the charm and future-oriented concept of the members who returned after growing up after the end of MBC's 'Boys Fantasy'.

The photos released by Fantasy Boys earlier showed the Milky Way and the members wearing spacesuits, leading to various speculations about the concept. Fantasy Boys, who will come out with 'NEW TOMORROW', will show off their musical capabilities that have grown over time as they have gone through a survival and album preparation period.

Fantasy Boys' debut album 'NEW TOMORROW' will be released on September 21st.

Reporter Kim Se-ah, Ten Asia translated by google