Verbal Jint releases Brand New Music vinyl project single 'got to be U 2023' today (13th)
Verbal Jint releases Brand New Music vinyl project single 'got to be U 2023' today (13th)
Brand New Music will release Verbal Jint's 'got to be U 2023 (Feat. Vincent Blue)' as the second single of the vinyl project 'V12YL by BRANDNEW' today (the 13th).

'V12YL by BRANDNEW' is a project to commemorate the 12th anniversary of Brand New Music's founding and to commemorate the history by releasing the albums of the label that were loved by listeners on vinyl. At the same time as the vinyl release of the 4th full-length album 'Go Easy', they released 'Look Good 2023 (Feat. Black Skirt)' as a single and gained great popularity.

The second work of the project is Verbal Jint's 10th anniversary commemorative work, '10 Years of Reading I', and the remix single 'got to be U 2023 (Feat. Vincent Blue)', which will be included as a special track on the vinyl prior to the vinyl release, will be released today. Disclose.

'Got to be U', which was included in Verbal Jint's 5th regular album 'Wrong Reading I for 10 Years', released in 2012, was loved by music fans for its sophisticated melody and sincere lyrics even at the time of its release.
Unlike the original song, in which Verbal Jint sang and featured Sijin was in charge of the rap verse, in this single, Verbal Jint is in charge of rapping and Vincent Blue participates as a guest vocalist to present a different sensibility with his unique sweet voice.

In addition, on the 12th, Brand New Music drew attention by releasing a teaser video of 'got to be U 2023' through official social media channels. Raised.

On the other hand, Verbal Jint's 'got to be U 2023' will be released today (13th) at 6 pm through various online music sites, and '10 Years of Reading I' vinyl will start pre-sale at noon.

Reporter Ryu Ye-ji and Ten Asia