Seol Kyung-gu, Jang Dong-gun, Kim Hee-ae, and Soo Hyun star in the upcoming film 'A Normal Family,' whose teaser poster and trailer have just been released.'A Normal Family' is a suspenseful drama that follows four individuals, each living by their own beliefs, whose lives are turned...
Song Young-kwan, a zookeeper, has announced plans to visit Fu Bao, the giant panda, in China.On the 27th, a press screening and media conference for the film 'Goodbye, Grandpa' was held at Lotte Cinema Konkuk University Entrance in Jayang-dong, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul. Director Shim Hyung-jun, al...
Kang Cheol-won, a zookeeper renowned for his work with the giant panda Fubao, revealed why he accompanied Fubao's repatriation process despite being in mourning for his mother.On the 27th, a press conference and media screening for the film 'Goodbye, Grandpa' was held at Lotte Cinema Kon...
Jang Yoon-ju is making a comeback to the big screen with 'Veteran 2'.Jang Yoon-ju, who has been actively building her career in various fields such as modeling, drama, variety shows, and movies, will return to theaters this fall with the movie 'Veteran 2'. Earlier this year, Jang Yoo...
The film 'A Normal Family' has been officially invited to the 29th Busan International Film Festival.'A Normal Family' is a suspense film that depicts the collapse of four individuals' lives after witnessing a crime scene involving children on CCTV. After completing its internati...
The 29th Busan International Film Festival (BIFF) will host a special program titled 'A Beautiful Person, Lee Sun-kyun.'On the 23rd, the BIFF committee announced, "We will screen six of Lee Sun-kyun's representative works and hold a special talk session. Through this special retrospectiv...
Singer Lim Young-woong attended the press screening of the movie captures the live performance and behind-the-scenes moments of Lim Young-woong's concert at Seoul World Cup Stadium in May 2024, where he performed in front of 100,000 fans. The movie is set to be released on the 28th.Explosive Cha...
Mid-tier Korean films have significantly contributed to the recovery of theaters.With the release of new films such as 'Escape,' 'Escape: Project Silence,' and 'Pilot,' along with the success of 'Handsome Guys' released in June, the revenue and audience numbers for Ko...