The movie 'Knock: The House' is a horror thriller that confronts a cruel family secret.
The movie 'Knock: The House' is a horror thriller that confronts a cruel family secret.
The movie 'Knock: The House' (director Samuel Bodin) released its main poster.

'Knock: The House' is a horror thriller in which the boy Peter becomes closer to a mysterious being beyond the wall, and at the same time learns his family's cruel secrets and faces tragic fears.

The main poster is reminiscent of 'Sadako' from the 'Ring' series, with a mysterious being with a strange appearance holding the sleeping boy Peter.

The copy “Now it’s time to sleep, the beginning of an endless nightmare” appears at the top of the poster, heightening curiosity about the story and further amplifying the sense of fear by implying that an unusual incident has occurred.

In the 30-second trailer, the sight of the mother staring at Peter with a bizarre smile and then running towards him immediately evokes fear and mystery, adding to curiosity about the whole story of the incident.

The movie ‘Knock: The House’ is scheduled to be released exclusively by Lotte on the 20th.

Reporter Ha-neul Lee, Ten Asia translated by google