“Min Hee-jin gossiped to a close associate that ‘New Jeans’ support is terrible’”
“Min Hee-jin gossiped to a close associate that ‘New Jeans’ support is terrible’”
“New Jeans is a terrible person, but the patience and support is terrible.”

On the morning of the 17th, the 50th Civil Affairs Division (B) of the Seoul Central District Court in Seocho-gu, Seoul held a hearing on a lawsuit for a provisional injunction to ban the exercise of voting rights filed by CEO Min Hee-jin against HYBE.

On this day, HYBE's representative said that CEO Min Hee-jin is being called 'New Jeans' mother', but in reality, this is not the case. "I am interested in the money New Jeans makes, not New Jeans," and "I told my close associate, 'New Jeans members are artists.' "It's difficult to treat them like that, and it's disgusting, but they made disparaging and disparaging remarks like, 'New Genes' success is because of me, not New Genes,'" he claimed.

In addition, HYBE said that CEO Min had engaged in so-called 'gaslighting' on the New Genes members, adding, "CEO Min demanded that New Genes members speak according to the script he had set even in external interviews," adding, "This is to prevent artists from remaining in a passive role. He also claimed, “The desired kind of gaslighting relationship is being packaged as a ‘mother-daughter relationship.’”
“Min Hee-jin gossiped to a close associate that ‘New Jeans’ support is terrible’”
“Min Hee-jin gossiped to a close associate that ‘New Jeans’ support is terrible’”
“Min Hee-jin gossiped to a close associate that ‘New Jeans’ support is terrible’”
“Min Hee-jin gossiped to a close associate that ‘New Jeans’ support is terrible’”
Meanwhile, the issue in this application for injunction is expected to be which is more important and important: the rights that HYBE has as a shareholder, the damage it will suffer in the event of CEO Min's dismissal, and the rights that HYBE has as a shareholder.

As the results are usually released within two weeks after the hearing, it is expected that the court decision will be made before the general shareholders' meeting scheduled for the 31st. If the injunction application is rejected, HYBE can end this situation by claiming to exercise shareholders' rights, dismissing Min Hee-jin from the position of CEO, and replacing Adore's management.

On the other hand, if the court upholds the request for a preliminary injunction, HYBE's plans will face a major setback. In this case, it appears that HYBE will be able to file an appeal against the result of the injunction, or bring new evidence and reconvene an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders.

The family fight has continued for nearly a month, with HYBE raising suspicions about Adore CEO Min Hee-jin of 'stealing management rights', launching an audit, and accusing CEO Min of breach of trust. The two sides continued their battle of wits in an off-site public opinion battle. Now this fight has been judged by the law.

Choi Ji-ye, Ten Asia Reporter wisdomart@tenasia.co.kr translated by google