VIXX's Hyuk enters training center today (18th)
VIXX's Hyuk enters training center today (18th)
VIXX's Hyuk (28, real name Han Sang-hyuk) begins alternative military service.

Hyuk will enter the training center today (18th), complete basic military training, and begin alternative service as a social worker. Hyuk was born in 1995 and is the youngest member of VIXX. As a VIXX member, I was able to fulfill my national defense duties for the last time.

On the 21st of last month, the agency Companion Company announced, “Hyuk will enter the training center on the 18th of next month.”

He then announced, “Hyuk will return after completing his faithful alternative service,” and added, “We ask for your support and encouragement until the day he returns after completing his national defense duties.”

Hyuk debuted in the boy group VIXX in 2012. In addition, Hyuk was loved by fans for his versatility in various fields such as plays, musicals, dramas, and movies.

Hyuk is scheduled to be discharged from military service on January 17, 2026.

Reporter Junho Yoon, Ten Asia