Kim Je-dong finally apologizes to the public
Kim Je-dong finally apologizes to the public
Broadcaster Kim Je-dong delivered a public apology on behalf of the clergy.

In MBC Every1's 'Gominsunsak <It Was There, But It Wasn't>', which airs at 7:40 p.m. today (19th), four priests, including Protestant Pastor Kim Jin, Buddhist Monk Seongjin, Won-Buddhist rector Park Se-woong, and Catholic Father Ha Seong-yong, go to the hospital, the second counseling center on their trip. I meet troubled people at .

On this day, four priests who are active as a 'meeting choir' will perform a special opening stage before providing full-scale counseling for concerns. It is said that the priests, who have been practicing the latest songs that everyone knows for those in need, are making everyone burst into laughter with their unimaginable skills from the first verse. In the end, they even make the MCs apologize to the public on their behalf.
Kim Je-dong finally apologizes to the public
Kim Je-dong finally apologizes to the public
During a full-scale consultation session, concerns are raised not only by doctors but also by various employees. A variety of stories are revealed, from stories that everyone can relate to, such as a nursing nun who worries about communicating with her juniors in the MZ generation and an organ coordinator who struggles with the death of an organ donor, to stories that can only be heard in hospitals.

Meanwhile, Kim Je-dong encounters an ophthalmologist at this hospital with whom he has a special relationship, whom he met 20 years ago. What is the identity of this ophthalmologist who happily responded to Kim Je-dong’s greeting, “Where have we seen you before?” What kind of relationship did the two form 20 years ago?

MBC Every1's 'Gomin Soonsak <It Was But It Wasn't>' will be aired today (19th) Tuesday at 7:40 PM.

Kim Se-ah, Ten Asia reporter