"Jang Min-ho, 35 million won per event" appearance fee opened Jo Young-gu
"Jang Min-ho, 35 million won per event" appearance fee opened Jo Young-gu
Broadcaster Cho Young-gu revealed the singers' specific event expenses.

On the 10th, Jo Young-gu appeared as a guest in the video '※Earphones required※ Jo Young-gu's wife is prohibited from watching|Ep.67' on Kim Gura's YouTube channel 'Gura Cheol'.

On this day, Kim Gu-ra mentioned the episode in which Jo Young-gu appeared at the time and said, "It was in the top 2 in terms of views." In response, Jo Young-gu grumbled, "I dug up (the contents) and wrote and quoted a lot and wrote a lot (in an article). I got a lot of criticism for doing that, but I brought up the story for "No reason and only got criticized."

He added, "Did you know there was a fuss when I got a call from Seol Woon-do? He said, 'Hey, I'm getting 10 million won right now, so why 8 million won? Delete what's mine.'"

When Park Goo-yoon said, "Ah, it opened here. At that time, I said that I wanted to kill (Jo Young-gu) everyone around me because I was swearing at my brother," Jo Young-gu said, " I called and asked Kim Gura to delete the video. I'm really having a hard time." . When Park Gu-yoon asked why he mentioned the event fee, Kim Gura answered instead, “I just did it.” In response, Jo Young-gu said, “I am a person who regrets doing things without knowing when the cameras are rolling.”

In fact, even though he received death threats, Jo Young-gu mentioned the singers' event expenses that day as well.

When Kim Gu-ra said, "The unit price has risen a lot these days," Jo Young-gu said, "I don't know if there's a problem with the price going up. The event fee used to be 50 million won. and is still 50 million won, so if you give Jang Min-ho 35 million won and Kim Hee-jae 25 million won, what do you do with that?" He revealed the specific event fee amount.

As Park Gu-yoon fidgeted next to him, Jo Young-gu forcibly revealed the appearance fee once again, saying, “Gu-yoon's salary is now 1,200.” Kim Gu-ra said to Park Gu-yoon, “Do I order it? “This guy is just talking,” he said.

Ryu Ye-ji, Ten Asia Reporter ryuperstar@tenasia.co.kr