CJ ENM rehires 'manipulated PD' Ahn Joon-young

On the afternoon of the 5th, CJ ENM bowed its head and said, “We sincerely apologize to everyone who was disappointed in the hiring of experienced workers at Mnet.”
He continued, “The decision to hire PD Ahn Joon-young was an inexcusable wrong decision. “The decision to provide an opportunity to make up for past mistakes did not meet our standards for social fairness,” he said. “We would like to apologize to the many people who love Mnet and to the executives and employees who have quietly devoted themselves to their work with pride in being the best content company.” “I give it to you,” he said.
At the same time, he pledged, “We humbly accept the shortcomings in terms of hiring standards and will quickly address the problems revealed this time to prevent similar incidents from recurring.”
“We also ask that you continue to provide affectionate encouragement and reprimand for our efforts to restore fairness and trust. “I deeply reflected on the fact that I have disappointed many people through this incident,” he said, repeatedly apologizing.
Producer Ahn Joon-young was accused of colluding with CP Kim Yong-beom and others in 2019 to manipulate the rankings in the 'Produce' series, which aired over a total of four episodes. They pushed out members whose debut was confirmed and raised the ranks of eliminated members to debut as a group. Producer Ahn Joon-young was sentenced to two years in prison and a fine of 37 million won for receiving 40 million won worth of entertainment at entertainment establishments on 40 occasions from officials of some entertainment companies, including Starship, Woollim, and 8D.Below is CJ ENM's official position.We sincerely apologize to everyone who was disappointed in Mnet's recruitment of experienced workers.
The decision to hire PD Ahn Joon-young was an inexcusable wrong decision. The decision to provide an opportunity to make up for past mistakes did not meet society's expectations of fairness.
We would like to apologize to the many people who love Mnet and to the executives and employees who have quietly devoted themselves to their work with pride in being the best content company.
Over the past four years, we have established a voting management system separate from production to improve the fairness of the audition program. We have also increased transparency in the production process, including strengthening monitoring and operating a 'viewer committee.'
Nevertheless, we humbly accept the shortcomings in terms of hiring standards and will quickly address the problems revealed this time to prevent similar incidents from recurring.
We ask for your continued affectionate encouragement and reprimand in our efforts to restore fairness and trust. I deeply reflect on the disappointment I have caused to many people through this incident, and I bow my head in apology once again.
Taeyuna, Ten Asia Reporter youyou@tenasia.co.kr