'Doll Singles 4' PD "There is a limit to verifying non-person performers, so I try to talk as much as possible"
'Doll Singles 4' PD "There is a limit to verifying non-person performers, so I try to talk as much as possible"
'Doll Singles' producer Park Seon-hye mentioned about the verification of non-celebrity performers.

On the 20th, MBN's 'Doll Singles 4' online production presentation was broadcast live. Park Seon-hye PD, Lee Hye-young, Yoo Se-yoon, Lee Ji-hye, Eun Ji-won, and Austin Kang attended.

On this day, PD Park Seon-hye said about the verification of non-celebrity performers, "This is probably the part that the directors who produce all broadcasts worry about." "he confessed.

He continued, "Previously, we proceeded through documents, phone calls, and face-to-face. This time, we increased it by one step. Because there were regional limitations, we also had video meetings and went to the site to hold face-to-face meetings. We tried to get to know you in depth by asking many questions." Explained.

PD Park said, "Because I'm a normal person, I'm cautious about forcibly asking for something. There were limitations, but I did my best by talking as much as possible."

'Dols Singles 4' moves the background to the United States and captures the dizzying romance of single men and women. It will be broadcast for the first time on the 23rd.

Kim Seo-yoon, staff reporter seogugu@tenasia.co.kr translated by google