Ham Ik-byeong gave advice to improve the relationship between Jang Gwang and his son

In TV Chosun's 'Daddy and Me' broadcast on the 31st, Ham Ik-byeong visited Jang Gwang's family's house.
Previously, Jang Gwang's daughter Mija and son-in-law Kim Tae-hyun stepped forward as mediators in the conflict between Jang Gwang and Jang Young, and this time, Ham Ik-byeong stepped forward to help improve the father-son relationship.
When Ham Ik-byeong praised Jang Gwang, saying, “Jang Gwang has a really good impression,” Jang Young grumbled, saying, “I get fooled by impressions a lot.” When Ham Ik-byeong asked, “Is what you see on TV real?” Jang Gwang replied, “In some ways, it may be less than real.”
Ham Ik-byeong said to Jang Gwang, "Brother, you have to change it. I believe that if there is a conflict between father and son, the adult should put up with it at all costs." He added, "When my son says something, I first think, 'I thought the same way when I was your age.' Parents “I think it’s better for adults to understand when someone says something, so as long as it’s not a bad thing,” he advised.
Jang Young said in an interview, "Dad's way of speaking and things like that are very forceful, like, 'You have to do it!' If you're not doing it, one day you'll be like, 'Did you do it?' “I hope that teacher Ham Ik-byeong’s words will sink in well to my father.”
Ham Ik-byeong asked Jang Young about his intention to become independent, saying, “Wouldn’t it be inconvenient if I didn’t become independent?” Jang Young said, "It's inconvenient. Some of my friends live alone because of the inconvenience. I thought a lot about independence. I go to the gym, clean, and work part-time to cover living expenses, but my friends who moved up from the provinces start with monthly rent and save up for a deposit. “It’s different because I only earn my living expenses, so I have to work at least 6 to 7 days to earn my living expenses, so I thought about what more work I need as an actor.” He said, "Unlike them, I chose to watch one more movie, read one more book, and develop myself. In fact, I'm still thinking about it a lot." In response, Ham Ik-byeong said, “Wouldn’t it be a little more intense if we become independent?”
Regarding his son's independence, Jang Gwang said, "I started with nothing. I also have friends who see the light very late in life. Even though they have acting skills, they don't have the right opportunities. Another thing is that there are many friends who are against (actor activities) at home. “When I look at my son, I tell him, ‘You have all the acting skills and environment, so just focus on what you want to do,’ because I know how difficult it is to be unknown.”
Ham Ik-byeong threw a fastball to Jang Young, saying, “What are you going to do for a living?” Jang Young answered, “Actress.” Ham Ik-byeong asked, “I live with my mom and dad now, so I don’t have to worry about money, but don’t I need to make money? Have you ever thought about that?” Jang Young replied, “I dream of making a living through my job as an actor.”
The production crew asked Jang Gwang, “Weren’t you surprised when he asked, “What do you want to do for a living?” Jang Gwang said, "It was refreshing. I wasn't able to talk about it directly, but that's why I've been pushing it for so long. It's not easy to talk about it with family using words like that. I was very grateful to be able to hear my son's answer, and it was precious." “It was time,” he said.
Kim Ji-won, Ten Asia reporter