Brian confesses his conflict with Hwanhee... “They asked me if I would decide to renew my contract alone.”
Brian confesses his conflict with Hwanhee... “They asked me if I would decide to renew my contract alone.”
Fly to the Sky member Brian revealed an anecdote about a fight he had with fellow group member Hwanhee.

On the 9th, a video titled '(EN) A kind SM senior who teaches cleaning methods and fighting skills │ Ryeowook's [Life Snap] Ep.04 Brian' was posted on the YouTube channel 'Heyday'.
Brian confesses his conflict with Hwanhee... “They asked me if I would decide to renew my contract alone.”
Brian confesses his conflict with Hwanhee... “They asked me if I would decide to renew my contract alone.”
On this day, Super Junior member Ryeowook released a video clip mentioning Hwanhee's fight with Brian and asked about the related episode. Brian surprised Ryeowook by saying, “I was hit hard by Hwanhee.” Immediately afterwards, Brian laughed and said, “It’s a joke.” At the same time, he said, "We have never hit or fought. I think we're one of the teams that surprisingly hasn't hit or fought."
Brian confesses his conflict with Hwanhee... “They asked me if I would decide to renew my contract alone.”
Brian confesses his conflict with Hwanhee... “They asked me if I would decide to renew my contract alone.”
When Ryeowook showed a puzzled reaction, Brian said, "The members of HOT, Shinhwa, and God have talked about it at least once, but Hwanhee and I are the only ones who can't fight and fight, so if we're disappointed, we just stay in each room and don't see each other. We don't fight. “There is no reason to fight for it,” he explained.

When asked by Ryeowook if he had ever lived in a dormitory, Brian said, "I did it for about 4 years." He added, "We were afraid that we would get into a fight and get into a fight, so we told SM. 'Sir, please let us stay in separate dorms.'" .

Ryeowook, who heard this, said, "We fought a lot too. (Siwon hyung) has some skinship. But I don't like skinship, so I said, 'Stop giving me high fives,' and he got angry. 'Why don't you accept me? “I said,” he recalled at the time.

Then Brian responded, "Isn't it okay to not give high fives?" To which Ryeowook confessed, "From my perspective, I said, 'Stop it now,' and he said, 'Are you confident you won't look at me?'" To this, Ryeowook replied, “I’m confident.” So, the famous phrase “I’m confident,” came out, and the two of us even filmed a commercial together.” Brian joked to Ryeowook, “Siwon should be thankful to you.”

Soon, Brian confessed an anecdote about a fight he had with Hwanhee, saying, "I fight very viciously." He said, "When Hwanhee and I's contract with Fly to the Sky ended, we thought about going back to the United States and studying. I told Hwanhee, 'I don't want to do music when this contract ends. I plan to go to college in the United States for a year.'"

He continued, "I think Hwanhee thought that he would continue his group activities. I think he was disappointed that he made the decision on his own. He was so angry that he screamed, 'Why don't you decide together and decide alone?' I screamed so much that I didn't even realize it. “You can shout and fight, right? But I said, ‘Should we all shout loudly at each other? I’m right in front of you. Speak calmly,’” he recalled. He added, “I’m disgusting. Saying things like that makes people even more upset.”

Lee Min-kyung, Ten Asia Reporter translated by google