Kim Jun-ho got angry and asked Jang Dong-min, “Are you a human?”
Kim Jun-ho got angry and asked Jang Dong-min, “Are you a human?”
Kim Jun-ho got angry and asked Jang Dong-min, “Are you a human?”
Kim Jun-ho got angry and asked Jang Dong-min, “Are you a human?”
Kim Jun-ho got angry and asked Jang Dong-min, “Are you a human?”
Kim Jun-ho got angry and asked Jang Dong-min, “Are you a human?”
Kim Jun-ho got angry and asked Jang Dong-min, “Are you a human?”
Kim Jun-ho got angry and asked Jang Dong-min, “Are you a human?”
Kim Jun-ho got angry and asked Jang Dong-min, “Are you a human?”
Kim Jun-ho got angry and asked Jang Dong-min, “Are you a human?”
Kim Jun-ho got angry and asked Jang Dong-min, “Are you a human?”
Kim Jun-ho got angry and asked Jang Dong-min, “Are you a human?”
As soon as Kim Jun-ho of 'Dogbak Tour' arrives in Laos, he gets angry after hearing Jang Dong-min's money exchange amount.

In the 13th episode of 'Nidonnaesan Dogbak Tour' (jointly produced by MBN, Channel S, and Lifetime), which airs at 8:20 pm on the 4th, the first day of the trip of 'Dogboxz' Kim Dae-hee, Kim Jun-ho, Jang Dong-min, Yoo Se-yoon, and Hong In-gyu, who left for Laos. It unfolds.

On this day, the four members gather together and begin a meeting to decide on their fifth travel destination, excluding Kim Dae-hee, who is away for overseas volunteer work. Here, Yoo Se-yoon recommends, “Laos is hot these days.” Jang Dong-min also responded positively, saying, “It is one of the travel destinations that many young people go to these days, and I also really want to go to the ‘Blue Lagoon.’”

The members, who have decided on their travel destination to Laos, devise a plan to deceive their eldest brother Kim Dae-hee, who ‘absent’ from the meeting. Kim Jun-ho puts forward a justification, saying, “No matter how much I went on volunteer work, shouldn’t I still be here?” Hong In-gyu and Yoo Se-yoon come up with the idea of punishing absences, saying, “There must be a penalty for absenteeism.” There is growing curiosity as to whether Kim Dae-hee will fall for their operation.

A few days later, the five finally arrive in Laos and talk about their travel budget. At this time, Kim Dae-hee shows a bunch of ‘Laotian banknotes’, saying, “I exchanged about 300,000 won (in Laotian money), but my wallet didn’t close?” Hong In-gyu boasts of the enormous thickness of the bill, saying, “I exchanged 1 million won, and the wad of money was this much!” On the other hand, Jang Dong-min said, “Anyway, changing a lot of money itself is a loss of momentum. “If you don’t get caught, you don’t have to change much,” he said with enthusiasm. Kim Jun-ho asks, “So how much money did you exchange?” When Jang Dong-min revealed the honest amount, Kim Jun-ho burst into laughter by asking, “Are you still a person?” In the end, Kim Jun-ho declares a break-up, saying, “If you get caught, I won’t lend you money.”

You can find out how much money Jang Dong-min exchanged, and whether 'Dogbox', which is on the verge of division after a diss war broke out on the first day, can safely complete its trip to Laos, on MBN, Channel S, and Lifetime at 8:20 pm on the 4th. there is.

Kim Ji-won, Ten Asia reporter translated by google