Kim Ji-min, imminent marriage with Kim Jun-ho, who is 9 years older?
Kim Ji-min, imminent marriage with Kim Jun-ho, who is 9 years older?
Comedian Kim Ji-min mentioned about her marriage to Kim Jun-ho, who is in a public relationship.

On the 21st, SBS' 'Same Bed, Different Dreams Season 2 - You Are My Destiny (hereinafter referred to as 'Same Bed, Different Dreams')' depicts a conflict between Jeong and Kim Hyeong-geun, who became a hot topic as a pot couple.

Recently, Jung and Kim Hyung-geun met Kim Ji-min and Hwang Bo-ra, who are close enough to have a couples meeting. On this day, Kim Ji-min and Hwang Bo-ra revealed the obsessive side of Jeong-Rang's best friend, Jeong-Rang.

In the end, Kim Ji-min embarrassed Kim Hyung-geun by revealing an anecdote about Kim Hyung-geun's surprise visit on a trip to Busan with Jung and Hwang Bo-ra a while ago. After hearing her husband's atrocities, the MCs said, "Both of them are obsessed," and were astonished at Hyung-geun Kim, an obsessive man no less than Jung.

On the other hand, Kim Jun-ho and Kim Ji-min, who are openly dating, confessed their thoughts on marriage and childbirth. Kim Ji-min revealed that he had a lot of thoughts about marriage after seeing his best friend Jung and Hwang Bo-ra, and said, "I want to marry (Kim Jun-ho) even for the baby." At the age of 38, Kim Ji-min, who is worried about old birth, and Jung-rang, who had two children, and Kim Hyung-geun, revealed their secret to giving birth and turned the studio upside down.

Jung Rang expressed her anxiety about her husband's hasty expansion of the restaurant business. It revealed the business failure story of her husband Kim Hyung-geun, who pushed ahead with the business he was opposed to and eventually lost 300 million won. Regarding her husband, Jeong-Rang expressed her concerns, saying, “I open a store and open another store while it is not finished.”

In response, Hyung-geun Kim, who runs seven restaurants nationwide, revealed his business know-how over the years and said, "You shouldn't be afraid of ruin," and did not bend his opinion, causing conflict with Jeong-Rang. In response, opinions were divided in the studio, saying, "My wife deserves to be worried" and "There are times in business."

Reporter Kang Min-kyung, Ten Asia translated by google