Byul, who has been married for 11 years, revealed that she wants to live in a house where she lives alone
Byul, who has been married for 11 years, revealed that she wants to live in a house where she lives alone
Byul, who has been married for 11 years, revealed that she wants to live in a house where she lives alone
Byul, who has been married for 11 years, revealed that she wants to live in a house where she lives alone
Byul, who has been married for 11 years, revealed that she wants to live in a house where she lives alone
Byul, who has been married for 11 years, revealed that she wants to live in a house where she lives alone
Byul, who has been married for 11 years, revealed that she wants to live in a house where she lives alone
Byul, who has been married for 11 years, revealed that she wants to live in a house where she lives alone
Byul, who has been married for 11 years, revealed that she wants to live in a house where she lives alone
Byul, who has been married for 11 years, revealed that she wants to live in a house where she lives alone
Byul, who has been married for 11 years, revealed that she wants to live in a house where she lives alone
Byul, who has been married for 11 years, revealed that she wants to live in a house where she lives alone
Byul, who has been married for 11 years, revealed that she wants to live in a house where she lives alone
Byul, who has been married for 11 years, revealed that she wants to live in a house where she lives alone
Byul confessed that the reason she has been planning to move for 10 years is because of her children.

MBC 'Whrere is My Home', singers Byul and Jo Kwon, Oh My Girl's Hyojung and Yubin, and Kwon Hyuksoo each set out to find a property.

On this day's broadcast, a job seeker looking for his first house near a college town appears as a client. Currently, the client is preparing for a job as a senior at Korea University, and says that his current home and school are too far away, wasting money and time during commute time. The client revealed that he had decided to become independent in order to focus more on preparing for employment, and he wanted the Seoul area within 30 minutes of public transportation from Korea University. He also hoped that there would be a convenience store nearby, which is necessary for single-person households. The budget is being supported by parents, so the lower the better, he said, and the jeonse is in the range of 100 to 200 million won, and in the case of a reverse rent, up to 500,000 won per month is possible.

In the Bok team, Byul and Jo Kwon acted as coordinators. MC Yang Se-hyung asked Byul, “I heard that you are about to move soon.” MC Kim Sook wondered, "Didn't you say you were moving when you appeared in 2020?" Byeol confessed, "I've been planning to move for 10 years. When I entered the house I'm living in now, the first was in my stomach. At that time, I didn't know that the second and third would come out in a row." He continued, "Furniture is gradually disappearing and children's toys are taking its place. The biggest problem is the lack of storage space."

Regarding the reason for not being able to move easily, Byul revealed, "Because I had to set up all the children's kindergartens, academies, and schools." The MCs asked Byul, “What kind of house do you want to move to?” Byul said, "It's a house for people who live alone," and replied, "I want to have a private space for each other," drawing laughter.

Jo Kwon, the star of the lucky team, headed to Donam-dong, Seongbuk-gu. It is said that it takes about 17 minutes by public transportation to reach the client's school.

While looking around the house, Jo Kwon asked Byul, "Do you ever envy people who live alone?" In response, Byul said, "There are times when I want to eat in front of the TV." Then he said, "Don't go around to the kids! Sit at the table and eat! I can't eat in front of the TV. I only eat ramen in front of the TV after the kids are asleep, and it's delicious."

Regarding her daughter, Songi, who caught the eye with her storm mukbang, Byeol said, "I really love food. She is a child who knows how to enjoy the taste." He continued, "When his friends carried attachment dolls, Songi carried an attachment spoon. Even now, he sleeps with an attachment spoon." Also, "Songi's first greeting in the morning is 'Mom, what shall we eat today?', and when she goes to bed, she says, 'It was a really delicious day'," causing laughter.

Byul married Haha in 2012 and has two sons and one daughter.

Reporter Kim Ji-won, Ten Asia translated by google