YG girl group Baby Monster official debut interview

Baby Monster releases first mini album ‘Baby Monster’ on the 1st
Baby Monster Ahyeon, as much as it hurt, she became more mature
Baby Monster Ahyeon, as much as it hurt, she became more mature
YG's new girl group Baby Monster (Luca, Parita, Asa, Ahyun, Rami, Laura, Chiquita) Ahyeon showed her mature side by taking good care of Thai member Chiquita.

Baby Monster conducted an interview commemorating the release of their first mini album 'BABYMONS7ER' on the morning of the 1st.

On this day, Baby Monster was asked, ‘Please tell me what each member thinks is their own strength.’ First, Ahyun drew attention by saying, "My strengths are powerful vocals, unexpected rap, and gestures. I got a lot of highlight parts in this song, and I tried to make the best use of the rap introduction and highlight parts."
Baby Monster Ahyeon, as much as it hurt, she became more mature
Baby Monster Ahyeon, as much as it hurt, she became more mature
Next it was Chiquita's turn. Chiquita said, "I like dancing, so I think I'm good at dancing and expressing facial expressions and feelings," and then looked a bit embarrassed. Thai member Chiquita was nervous as it was her first interview after debut, and it must not have been easy to speak Korean naturally amid the tension. In response, Ahyeon said, "Chiquita's strength is that she has a pretty, Disney-like voice. She was in charge of the high-pitched parts, and I think she did it well. I hope people will focus on that part."

What caught my attention was the next action. Ahyeon looked into Chiquita's eyes and held her hand tightly under the table. The two people held hands tightly, and after a few tens of seconds, they released their hands and placed them on their respective laps. Ahyeon, who is two years older than Chiquita, gave a warm smile as she took care of her members. Although Ahyun did not participate in the pre-debut activities due to health issues, she attracted attention with her maturity in personality during that time.

Baby Monster said, “There is no leader,” and “When practicing rap or dance, each person is responsible for something, so the members take the lead in practicing.” He said, “There is no leader yet, and each person plays a role in this way.” Ahyeon neatly summarized the situation by saying, "The members are doing well in their respective positions. They are dividing their roles well and I think it will continue to be like this in the future," showing that she is worthy of being an unofficial leader.
Baby Monster Ahyeon, as much as it hurt, she became more mature
Baby Monster Ahyeon, as much as it hurt, she became more mature
Baby Monster Ahyeon, as much as it hurt, she became more mature
Baby Monster Ahyeon, as much as it hurt, she became more mature
The interview on this day was held to commemorate Baby Monster's official debut at the same time as Ahyun's joining. Naturally, attention was focused on Ahyeon, and each time, Ahyeon conveyed her situation well in a humble manner. Regarding her pre-debut activities being canceled due to health issues, Ahyun said, "It's hard to tell in detail, but it was psychologically difficult. I concentrated on recovery," and added, "I exercised regularly at home and ate well." He smiled and said, “During that time, the members cheered us on fiercely, and we gained great strength from the fans cheering us on the electronic signboard and leaving messages on our truck. We have now fully recovered and are happy to be able to stand in front of our fans.”

Ahyeon said that she supported the pre-debut activities of the 6 members, saying, "I also wanted to recover quickly, but I was upset because it didn't work out as I wanted. I felt sorry for the members. It would have been better if the 7 members had debuted sooner." “When I came back, I had a lot of worries, but the members told me ‘I’m doing well’ and ‘I can do well,’ so from then on, my nervousness turned into excitement,” he said, expressing his gratitude.

In response, the members said, "We have been preparing for Ahyun's debut for a while, so it was only natural that we would work together," and "We waited for Ahyun to come back, and we thought that was something we could do." They warmly wrapped around Ahyun.

In particular, Ahyun said about the modifier 'Little Jenny', "Senior Jenny has been my idol and role model since I was a trainee. She was the person who inspired me the most, and I am truly honored that she gave me the modifier 'Little Jenny'." She said, "As a junior, I am a senior. “I want to do well and become an artist with my own unique style like Jenny.”

Baby Monster's debut title song 'SHEESH' is receiving favorable reviews for its confident, confident lyrics and magnificent sound, which conveys Baby Monster's unique musical color. It is said that the rhythmically repeated refrain provided a strong addictive effect, and that the atmosphere constantly changed with swirling rapping and explosive vocals, providing an exhilarating thrill. It was released at midnight on this day.

Choi Ji-ye, Ten Asia Reporter wisdomart@tenasia.co.kr translated by google