Twenty-three → thirty-two IU, hasn't changed at all in 10 years
Twenty-three → thirty-two IU, hasn't changed at all in 10 years
≪Choi Ji-ye’s Some Stars≫
Reporter Choi Ji-ye of Ten Asia interprets pop content in her own way and gives a star rating.

IU World Tour ‘HER’ Seoul Concert Some Stars = ★★★☆

I'm already 32 years old. This is singer IU’s age. According to the recently changed calculation method, she is 30 years old, but considering continuity from the past, IU turned 30 two years ago. IU, the girl who melted the sorrow of her older brothers by saying, “What should I do when I like my older brother?” has now matured into a full-fledged 32-year-old artist.
Twenty-three → thirty-two IU, hasn't changed at all in 10 years
Twenty-three → thirty-two IU, hasn't changed at all in 10 years
Twenty-three → thirty-two IU, hasn't changed at all in 10 years
Twenty-three → thirty-two IU, hasn't changed at all in 10 years
Twenty-three → thirty-two IU, hasn't changed at all in 10 years
Twenty-three → thirty-two IU, hasn't changed at all in 10 years
IU, who appeared on stage for the 4th concert of IU's world tour 'HER' Seoul concert held at KSPO DOME in Songpa-gu, Seoul on the 10th, sang at the top of her lungs and danced softly for 4 hours and 20 minutes. IU's voice was powerful on stage in a variety of genres with various emotional themes. It was still the same. IU consistently poured her heart out on stage and worked hard as if she did not want to leave behind any regrets.

I felt this way on IU's stage about 10 years ago. It was a small theater in Sogang University’s Mary Hall. IU, who had just entered her 20s, sang Kim Kwang-seok's 'Flower' and Lee Moon-se's 'When Love Passes' with a dry face with slightly puffy cheeks. The emotion attached to the delicate voice was by no means light. The power and energy radiating from his small body filled every corner of the theater. Although it didn't have the triple high notes of 'A Good Day' or the swing jazz of 'Pink Shoes', IU's concert at that time remained greatly in my memory.

This ‘Huh’ concert is ‘just one step…’ When compared to 'Just That Much More', it is at the extremes in terms of size and composition. IU attracted 60,000 spectators through her 4th concert, and went up and down a three-dimensional square sculpture on a lift on a circular stage. Gorgeous lights and dynamic dancers swirled around the stage. IU performed a total of 23 songs through 4 chapters and sang more than 10 encore songs. The 360-degree electronic display board and splendid stage setup stimulated the five senses.
Twenty-three → thirty-two IU, hasn't changed at all in 10 years
Twenty-three → thirty-two IU, hasn't changed at all in 10 years
Twenty-three → thirty-two IU, hasn't changed at all in 10 years
Twenty-three → thirty-two IU, hasn't changed at all in 10 years
Twenty-three → thirty-two IU, hasn't changed at all in 10 years
Twenty-three → thirty-two IU, hasn't changed at all in 10 years
Twenty-three → thirty-two IU, hasn't changed at all in 10 years
Twenty-three → thirty-two IU, hasn't changed at all in 10 years
Nevertheless, the same feelings arose. The outer shell has clearly changed, but perhaps the value it retains is the same. IU weaved together several songs in four chapters into one theme, and the message contained in each song did not feel empty but was heavy. In particular, 'Night Letter', which expressed a lot of affection, seemed to convey the true feelings of love that IU desperately felt at the time. Also, during the 'Hole' and 'Shh..' stages, it felt like the words and challenges he wanted to say through this album were clearly expressed.

It is no exaggeration to say that the essence of IU's music, which is considered to have the widest spectrum among domestic female solo singers, lies in the messages in the lyrics. IU, who is called an all-rounder and does not discriminate between genres, has written most of the songs herself since her fourth EP album 'CHAT-SHIRE' (Chat-SHIRE, 2015), and thanks to this, IU's unique fingerprint remains regardless of the genre of the song. This is taken. Lyrics containing the emotions felt by the artist themselves play their role and resonate with the listener, no matter what form they are put in, such as a ballad or dance.

After finishing the Seoul concert, IU moves to the world stage. She is the first female solo artist to embark on a world tour with 27 performances in 18 cities and 12 countries. IU's world tour this time exceeds that of a major K-pop group and is unusual for a female solo artist. In addition, on this day, IU announced an encore performance in September at the Sangam World Cup Stadium, the largest in Korea, and said, "I am continuing to take on challenges in my 30s."

A smart 23-year-old girl who was confused because there were so many things she wanted to do, 10 years later, she became an artist who shouts 'The Winning'. However, their attitude toward music and the stage was the same as it was 10 years ago. I don't know how far IU's challenge, now 32, will go. However, it seems clear that the desire to "fill the concert hall until I'm 71" is full of love for music, the stage, and fans.

Choi Ji-ye, Ten Asia Reporter translated by google