TXT releases new album concept teaser
TXT releases new album concept teaser
Tomorrow by Together's ticket salvation narrative is coming.


This video was directed like a scene from a 2D animation. The light leaking through the forest of buildings burns red, and the screen slowly closes up as if approaching. At this time, the phrase “The moment light gets in the little cracks, we will be able to meet again.” engraved on the video also stimulates curiosity.

'minisode 3: TOMORROW' is an album about remembering a promise from the past and going to find the 'you' that you promised together. Tomorrow by Together plans to tell their own narrative, 'Tomorrow with you is hope and salvation.'

Until now, Tomorrow by Together has depicted the conflicts and overcoming of boys pursuing ONE DREAM as they grow up. 'minisode 3: TOMORROW' is about a man who has even forgotten his name, his identity, while experiencing fractured friendships ('Chapter of Dreams'), failed love ('Chapter of Chaos'), and temptation ('Chapter of Names'). It contains a story about them recalling their pure desire again, meeting you, and moving forward into tomorrow. There is growing curiosity about how the narrative continued from past albums will be expressed in the new album.

'minisode 3: TOMORROW' will be released at 6 PM on the 1st of next month, and Tomorrow by Together will hold a comeback showcase with fans at Hwajeong Gymnasium of Korea University, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul at 8 PM on the same day. Prior to this, they plan to heat up the comeback atmosphere by releasing a total of four versions of concept photos and videos, including 'Light', 'Ethereal', 'Romantic', and 'Promise', from the 18th to the 24th.

Reporter Junho Yoon, Ten Asia delo410@tenasia.co.kr