Boy group Weirs returns with 2nd single Starry Dream/Destiny
Boy group Weirs returns with 2nd single Starry Dream/Destiny
Boy group WE US returns to fans with their 2nd album showcase

WE US, a new five-member group of Minhyuk, Woojoo, Jeongmin, Boyul, and Hyukjin, held their first solo showcase since their debut at 7 PM on November 29th.

WE US presented refreshing and bright energy through the single 'Purple Sky' last May, and released a new song from their 2nd album through this showcase.

Starry Dream, a double single from the 2nd album, and Fate Weirs are songs that show off their diverse charms.

Starry Dream is a song we produced with gratitude to our fans who give us courage and support even in difficult times and when we want to give up.

FATE is a song that expresses the unrequited love between a loved one and me. It contains the meaning of never forgetting a loved one and loving them unchangingly and fatefully. Loved here means fans.

The lyrical lyrics leave a deep impression, and the oriental melody maximizes Korea's beautiful performance.

The two songs in the 2nd album tell the story of not being able to be with the person you loved, but loving with an unchanging heart (fate) and finally finding love.

Reporter Junho Yoon, Ten Asia translated by google