DSP new girl group YOUNG POSSE, counting down to debut
DSP new girl group YOUNG POSSE, counting down to debut
'DSP Media's new girl group' YOUNG POSSE has begun a full-fledged countdown to its debut by releasing its scheduler.

Mr. Youngpa posted the debut scheduler 'Market Flyer' on his official SNS at midnight today (20th). According to this, ahead of his debut, Youngpa will sequentially open the tracklist, intro film, pre-order film, and music video teaser.

In particular, the scheduler image created with the concept of a supermarket flyer is impressive. The release date of each content is expressed in dollars ($) as if indicating the price, and the combination of cheese, various sauces, and microwave ovens arouses curiosity. The detail that expresses the expiration date from September 21st, when the teasing began, to October 18th, the debut date, is also unique.

In this way, following the debut trailer that portrayed the members' free-spirited energy by characterizing them, Youngpa unveiled a scheduler with a unique concept called a supermarket flyer.

Youngpa is a five-member girl group co-produced by DSP Media and Beats Entertainment. The name Youngpa contains the strong ambition and will that only if we work together rather than myself, and if everyone works together rather than alone, can we achieve what we want.

They plan to penetrate the trend of the music industry with their cheeky yet quirky charm like a tree frog, and even before their official debut, the cumulative number of TikTok content views using the hashtag 'youngposse' exceeded 1 million views.

Meanwhile, Youngpa will make her official debut in the music industry on the 18th of next month.

Kim Se-ah, Ten Asia reporter haesmik@tenasia.co.kr translated by google